Neighborhood Mom, Part VI - Mom For A Day
Date: 5/25/2016, Categories: True Story Author: luvsumcameltoe
... her mostly undressed. She didn't seem upset by it and made no move to hide herself, sticking her tongue out at me. BUt nothing came of it. When she went to the patio, I kept my eye on her for signs she was getting restless and might come back in, racing to the bedroom and setting myself up like I had been masturbating in hopes she would walk in on me. It didn't work. I never got the timing quite right. C left to go to the store for some dinner item. She invited me to come along, but I passed. I figured that gave me about a half hour. As soon as she pulled away, I went to the shelf with the VHS "Jazzercise" tapes that were really over-recorded with porn - the ones I had watched with K several weeks ago when we masturbated together. I put the tape on with the volume high enough to be just audible from the bedroom, removed my pants and watched it, nervously stroking myself and anticipating K coming into the room. When she finally did, she just groaned and said "Oh my god! You are such a horn dog!!!" I grinned and fired back "So are you!" She laughed. I told her she should come watch it with me. She said no way - mom would be back any minute and she didn't need anymore awkward moments. But she didn't leave the room just then. For a minute she watched the action on the screen, glancing over at me occasionally. She seemed like she had something on her mind. Finally she spoke "So...last night..." she trailed off. I stared at the TV. Last night what? What was she referring to? Our ...
... little mutual exposure session...or...when I went to the bathroom? My pulse raced. I spoke up. "yah that was fun, right?" Awkward pause. "Not that." she replied. "That was fun, but...I mean...later." she kind of stammered, tripping over her words. "What about later?" I inquired. "Ummm...you know...when you "went to the bathroom"" she said, making air quote qestures with her fingers. "Yah?" "well...you know...that was kind of...weird." "Weird? I've peed with you in the shower before! What's so weird?" I laughed. "Yah I know...but..." "But what?" "Well...you were in there for like...10 minutes..." "So? C and I got to talking..." "While she was in the bath and you were both naked?" "Yah. So? It's not like we could see each other. What's the difference?" "I don't know. Just weird I guess. I mean I heard you guys talking a little bit when you first went in there...but...then...I didn't hear you guys talking anymore..." Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck! C and I were supposed to be a secret from K. This was not good. What did she hear us say? "Well..." I replied "...the water was running most of the time, so I had a hard time hearing her myself, but we didn't want to talk loud since you were sleeping..." "What were you guys talking about?" "Nothing in particular. Little of this, little of that. She asked me to mow the lawn on Saturday." "Well, I just thought it was weird because I could hear you guys talking at first, you know I could hear your voices. I mean I wasn't trying to listen and I ...