The Municipal Pedo Farm
Date: 5/19/2016,
Author: Allthwaite
... steam hammer," he said proudly, "See, watch!" he said as he placed an egg from a box beside the hammer frame under the hammerhead, the crnkshaft revolved and the hammer head lifted and came down oh so slowly until the egg shell just fractured slightly, "So controllable, feel it." "No ta." Al said, I shook me head. "Susan, put your hand under," Mike ordered. "No!" she wailed. "It's behind her back," I pointed out. "Pedo, you do it," Mike ordered and he eased the hammer back a tiny fraction. "No!" The Pedo refused then screamed as Mike kicked his ball clamp again, "Ok!" he said an he placed his hand under the hammer head. Mike tweaked the controls and the hammer head lifted about a foot and dropped, clang! suddenly the pedos hand was s floppy mass of blood and bone about the size of a regular pizza, the Pedo passed out so Mike stuck the pedo's other hand under and smashed that before he smashed both the Pedo's wrists. "Oh it all makes work for the working man to do," Mike sang happily, "If you would give me a hand gentlemen, get him on the hospital trolley." "He can fucking die!" I said, "I ain't taking him to no hospital!" I said. "No, it's so we can get his feet under the hammer," Mike replied as if it was obvious. It didn't take a minute, in fact Mike just let the machine run, clang clang clang, as he pulverised the Pedos feet toes and ankles one by one, he almost seemed sorry to run out of joints to smash. "Right, lets push the trolley round to next door," Mike suggested. ...
... Next door was a fully equipped Victorian Dentists room, with a tiny steam egine and belt driven miniature drills, "Sit him down," Mike said and me and Al maneuvered him into place as he flopped around unconscious like. The chair had a headrest with side clamps to hold the head tight so Mike tightened the clamps good and tight, the Pedo stirred as Mike shoved a metal clamp in his gob and winched his gob open, he peered in. "Some decay, Mr Pedophile, it comes from leering at kiddies," Mike suggested, "But I'll soon sort that." "Oo hud hentist?" the pedo asked. "Lord no!" Mike replied and he fetched a heavy iron cylinder which he attached to the dentists chair before adjusting it so the extension rod just brushed against one of the pedo's front teeth. "I'll just fit the guide and then we can sort the decay out!" Mike said as he fitted a cast iron shoe against the pedo's top front teeth, "All set," he asked. We all looked round confused so Mike opened the steam valve, "It needs new piston rings I'm afraid," he said as despite a bad steam leak ping, ping, ping the pedos teeth started breaking. I felt sick. "All done!" Mike said as the shoe suddenly slipped and jammed itself in the back of the pedo's throat, me I would have let him choke to death but I'm soft compared to Mike. "And the bottom." he said resetting the shoe. "Is that how the Victorians did it?" Al asked. "No, East German secret police," he laughed, "It's my own design, like it?" "Crikey," I said. "Just leaves two each ...