1. hot girl part 1

    Date: 9/7/2015, Categories: Fetish, Group Sex Voyeur, Author: binympho, Source: xHamster

    My wife Sonja is an enchanting seductress, or put another way is a fucking slut that gives off a vibe that makes every man she meets want to breed her and put his seed inside her. She knows she has that effect on men and she enjoys it. She likes to display her body, playing her little flirtatious games and being the object of as many male fantasies as she can. She is a Latin female so I guess that comes with the territory. I am not sure if that is part of their culture or if comes with that stupid idiotic Catholic bullshit they put in their heads that you can do whatever you damn well please and "God will forgive you". All you have to do is drink a little g**** juice and say a few Hail Marys' and you can pretend like nothing ever happened. I know I should not complain these are the same qualities that attracted me to her in the first place and a lot of the time I am incredibly turned on by the fact that other men are attracted to her. Even so she drives me crazy sometimes taking me to the highest highs and the lowest lows emotionally you can imagine. Like the song says "She'll take away your pain like a bullet through your brain." To her credit she has tried to explain it to me on a number of occasions. Being very open and candid describing what she thinks and feels and how it feeds a part of her being that she does not understand and cannot always control. She said she loves being a very bad girl, she loves giving every man she encounters a hard-on. Young, old, short, tall, ...
    ... skinny, fat it didn't matter. As long as he has a cock, she loves to tease it. She said she always looks forward to the next lucky man who she will let play this game of tease and please. Determined to get the man's attention, bring him to his knees with lust and then leaving him hanging. She said she loves to see what she can get away with, pushing the envelope partaking in a little bit of risk just enough to feel a rush. She loves it when she makes a man so uncomfortable that he can't speak. She loves that she brings out that sort of reaction in men. She said more than anything, it thrills her to dress as slutty as possible and bask in the ogling and drooling of every man she passes. Wearing a revealing wardrobe makes her an entirely new and different person. She feels so free and open. These little things are enough to make her feel sexy and give her that little naughty feeling that she needs to get through the day. She said she enjoys the game of risqué dress-up to reveal more cleavage, or wearing practically see-through blouses, or wearing more skirts, really short skirt either bare leg or with stockings, and of course everything has to be tight fitting. Tight at the waist, so that it accentuates her hips and her firm and tight behind and complimented with the right pair of high heels. She loves showing off her nice cleavage jiggling her breasts pulling her shoulders back to make her breasts jut out. Wearing tops that at the right angle if she bends over, anybody can get ...