My Cheating Slut Wife
Date: 5/18/2016,
Author: lugls56
I'd known for years that Sarah had cheated on me; she had admitted to it twice before. Both times she had said she was sorry and that it would never happen again. But I guess old habits are hard to break sometimes. I really should have seen it coming too. Firefighters have a high risk of spousal cheating since they spend so many nights away from home - it's one of the hazards of the job. Of the twenty guys in my department, half of them had been divorced at least once, four of them had never been married, two of them were going through "trial separations", and the remaining four of us had decent marriages. I say "decent" because we still had our rough patches. Although Sarah knew what she was getting herself into with my job as a firefighter when she met me, I don't think she fully realized just what being a firefighter's wife would entail. At first things were okay. She was proud of her hero husband. But as the years went by, she got tired of me being gone all the time. She got tired of having to do everything by herself and having things go wrong when I wasn't there to take care of them. And she got tired of going to bed and waking up by herself. "Why am I married if I'm still sleeping alone? What's the point?" were common questions for her. The first time Sarah strayed, it was about six years into our marriage. I had put in a lot of overtime, because budget cuts to our department prevented us from hiring more personnel. This took me away from home even more than normal ...
... and I guess it was just too much for her. She found someone who was more accessible, and they had a short, but heated, affair. The other guy moved on after a couple months, and Sarah came to me shortly after to tell me of her indiscretion. Needless to say I was more than a little upset over it, but we worked through it and I forgave her. I loved the woman, and I would rather live with her mistakes than live without her altogether. After that we were good for awhile. I cut back on the overtime (even though the money was good and we could always use more cash), and spent more time with her. It was about five years after that before her next affair. She had gotten a part time job, working on the days I was at the station to help keep her mind off of it and to add some extra money to the family budget. She enjoyed her job and I was happy that she had found something productive to keep her occupied. But I didn't see the behind the scenes drama unfolding with her boss. Mr. Reynolds (Sarah's boss) was a pretty good looking man, I suppose, and she did work fairly closely with him. So it shouldn't have been a surprise that something might occur. Still, she had promised after her first sidestep that it wouldn't happen again. This time when I learned of the affair, it wasn't through a confession from Sarah. Instead, it was from a "little birdie" named Rebecca, our neighbor from across the street. Rebecca seemed to have a little interest in me even though I had never been anything but ...