1. Harsh Times - Chapter Two

    Date: 5/17/2016, Categories: Wife Lovers, Author: squiffy

    Tina went to open the door, wearing nothing but a smug grin on her face, her sweaty skin glistening and pale in the sunlight. When Jamal walked into the living room, he was leering at my wife’s naked body. He took a double take when he saw me lying on the floor with tears in my eyes and an enormous erection tenting the front of my shorts. He stared at me, looking nonplussed, then in a Jamacian accent, said, “Wat de fak are yu doing lying on da floor, man?” My bottom lip quivered and my voice quavered with emotion. “Nothing really. Just fancied a lie down, is all.” Jamal was thirty-five, ten years older than Tina. He was tall with a big build, and wore nothing but shorts and sandals with gold jewellery on his neck and fingers. His arms and shoulders were muscular. Tight sinews crossed his pectorals and abdomen, but his legs were scrawny, frightfully thin. The dark skin of his torso dripped with sweat, trickling down to the waistband of his shorts. He had long dreadlocks tied back in a neat ponytail and a gold tooth. His attention was immediately drawn back to my wife’s petite naked body. Pursing his lips thoughtfully, his bulging eyes drifted over the pale, porcelain skin of her tummy, her firm breasts with pink, puffy nipples, and the bald mound between her legs. Pulling a bag of white powder from his pocket, he held it aloft and said, “Yu join meh for a line o’ coke ‘fore we git down ta business?” “Oh, yeah, I’ll have a line!” I gasped, propping myself up on my elbows. ...
    ... Tina immediately planted her barefoot on my face and pushed it back down onto the floor. Mashing my nose with the sole of her foot, she snarled, “You’ll stay where you are and keep your mouth shut. Understand?” Then she hooked her arm through Jamal’s and led him through to the kitchen. At this point I really started to panic. All alone, I felt a pang of trepidation and a cold chill crawl up my spine. With Jamal on her side, Tina would hold all the cards. She‘d have complete power over my life and could, if she see fit, make my life a living hell. Jamal had always had a soft spot for the ladies. Especially for ladies with spots as firm and soft as Tina’s, if you know what I mean. To men, on the other hand, he was inclined to be hot-tempered. Basically you did what he told you and did your best not to piss him off. Not if you’d grown attached to your kneecaps that is. When they returned twenty minutes later, Jamal was guiding Tina gently by the elbow. They were both grinning from ear to ear. Jamal glared down at me, smiling. “Mi is goan’ta fak yo’ wife nah. Ya watch and learn, boy. But mi is warning yu nah, man – touch yo’ dick and it’a be de last ting yu eva do.” Jamal turned his attention back to my wife’s nude body. Only the malicious glint in his catlike eyes gave any hint of the desire burning within. I looked over at Tina and the smirk on her face told me everything. It was her idea to have me watch and forbid me to touch myself. The bitch. Well, the last laugh would be on ...