1. A Damaged Teen Slut (Ch.3)

    Date: 5/15/2016, Categories: Fiction Blackmail, Blowjob Coercion Cum Swallowing Group Sex Job/Place-of-work Male/Teen Female Older Male / Female, Reluctance School Teen Threesome Violence Author: ILikeMyStories, Source: sexstories.com

    ... he's right and remembering some of the good times. "Emmy, look at me, sweetie. Please." Ray says softly in her direction. Emmy slowly turns her head to face him. "You have to believe me." He looks her in the eyes. "I have no idea how those drugs got in my car that night. I gave up that stuff long before that, you know this. I don't know how they got there. Someone set me up." Ray states with great conviction, not a twitch in his eye, not a movement in his face. For the first time she looks at him and starts to believe him. "I love you so much, baby." Tears start to fill his eyes, a visible knot forming in his throat. "There's no way I would have jeopardized what we had like that. All I did was think about you and your brother while I was inside. All day, every day. All those letters I wrote, I tried so hard to make things right, as right as they could have been at the time." His voice shakes. Emmy looks at him, her lip and chin quivering as tears start to fill her eyes as well. "Dad..." She says softly. "I, uhh..." She clears her throat and looks away, then back at him again. "I didn't get any letters." She shakes her head. Ray looks away, puzzled and confused. "I... I wrote to you almost every week, as much as I could." He says in bewilderment as he shakes his head. "No, no... Something must have happened." His mouth opens as he gets up off the swing. Emmy looks up at him with a sad expression, first learning that he wrote to her while in prison. "I don't know what ...
    ... happened." Ray says quietly, shaking his head again. "I wrote to you all the time." He looks back to her, a single tear running down his cheek. Emmy gulps as she gets up and approaches him. "It's okay, dad." She says softly. "It's in the past." "Yeah, you're right." Ray feels relieved, his sullen expression changing to a more pleased one. "Let's put it all behind us and move on. Would you like that? We can take it slow, however you want." "Sure." Emmy smiles up at him. Ray smiles down at her, trying not to cry. "Sorry for getting a little emotional, ha ha." He laughs it off casually. "Ha ha, it's okay." Emmy laughs a little. "Come on, I'll take you back." Ray says. They begin to walk back across the playground. Emmy walks up by his side and wraps her arms around his left arm, smiling up at him as he notices. She did this all the time when she was a little girl. Ray smiles widely, beyond ecstatic. On the drive home Ray can't help but think about those letters that Emmy missed from him. For the next week things go well for Emmy. She settled into her new home and basically recreated a better version of her old room with the generous help of her uncle Chris. She stayed in touch with her father Ray as well, their relationship taking baby steps towards being healthy. She's even been attending all her classes and trying more. Perhaps most importantly of all she hasn't fooled around with any guys. She's been happy and content, but something is missing, a void in her life. Since the last time ...