1. A Damaged Teen Slut (Ch.3)

    Date: 5/15/2016, Categories: Fiction Blackmail, Blowjob Coercion Cum Swallowing Group Sex Job/Place-of-work Male/Teen Female Older Male / Female, Reluctance School Teen Threesome Violence Author: ILikeMyStories, Source: sexstories.com

    ... nice black suede boots which go up to just below her knees. His trance is broken when Emmy finally notices him staring and looks back at him, shooting a flirty smile his way. Mr. Butler looks away to his desk, realizing how long he had been staring. The bell finally rings and Emmy gets up hastily, her little black leather purse in tow on her shoulder. "Wait!" Mr. Butler says loudly, getting up to approach her. "Emmy, wait." He says calmly. She stops as the rest of the students file out. They both wait until they're alone. Emmy looks up at him curiously, waiting for him to say something. "About yesterday..." He begins somewhat nervously. "Was that it?" He asks boldly, wanting so bad to be with her again. "Umm... Well I just want to pass your class." Emmy says, her mind taken off Derek and Tyler for a moment. "I'm going to pass you, I just thought, you know... We could do it again sometime. You seemed to enjoy it." He smiles down at her, trying to sound cooler than he really is. "Uhh..." Emmy looks down awkwardly. "I don't know. Let me think about it." "O-okay. Yeah, sure. Again, I really enjoyed it. You were amazing." He says a bit awkwardly. "I have to go now. See you tomorrow?" Emmy says, just wanting to get out of there. "Uh, yeah. See ya." Mr. Butler says as she walks out. "Bye!" He says louder, the sight of her leaving upsetting him as he hears the clicking of her heels against the floor. Emmy walks outside of the school and is quickly met by Tyler's car with Derek in the ...
    ... passenger seat. She gets in and takes a deep breath, anxious about what's to come. "I like the skirt. That easy access is going to come in handy." Derek says as he turns around to leer at her. "Hope you're ready to get drilled, slut." Tyler says boldly. Emmy stares out the window, a bit nervous as she knows they're going to be rough with her. Feelings of doubt and shame cross her mind briefly, thinking about the promises she made to herself but she quickly brushes them off as the adrenaline and excitement overcome her. Emmy's trance as she stares out the window longingly is interrupted by her door opening and Derek roughly grabbing her arm, yanking her out of the car. They've arrived at their destination. Emmy stumbles out as Derek chuckles, enjoying his manhandling of her. "Where are we?" Emmy asks curiously, looking around before she fully recognizes the location. "An old abandoned playground. No one is going to see us here." Tyler says as he comes around the car and joins them. Emmy stares at the playground in the distance as Tyler puts his arm around her lower back and guides her. It's the same playground that she and her father had their heartfelt discussion last weekend, the same one from her few positive childhood memories. As they get closer to the playground the internal conflict in her mind continues, feeling reluctant and ashamed but also turned on by being dirty and being the toy of dominant men. "You're lookin' so fuckin' hot today." Tyler says after lifting her ...