Date: 5/8/2016,
True Story
Older Female / Males,
Author: ohbegentle
This is a true story and is happening right now in my life. Where do I start. Well I am in a good relationship, having a caring, sharing partner, the sex is good, life is rolling along. I work as a male nurse, thus having frequent contact with female nurses in my profession. I am good at my job and am professional in my practice. I attended a work function recently, colleagues greeting each other gave a hug and peck on the cheek on arrival. One of my colleagues Tracey, whom I had a good work relationship, greeted me, and I was surprised how hot she looked with a little make up on and out of work uniform. She smiled at me, and as we pecked each others cheeks, I had the sudden desire to kiss her lips. It was a warm tingling sensation that ran through me. I held back, and looked into her eyes, I wondered if she felt that as well. I was with my partner, and I thought wow that was close. That was not like me, but it was so real, a strong desire, sort of magnetic as I felt drawn to her pheromones I'm sure. Tracey wandered off to mingle, and I thought nothing of it until latter in the night. When being a little tipsy, photo's were being taken and our group took turns in photo's with each other. Well Tracey was next to me chatting, and we both laughed and posed for a photo, cheek to cheek. We looked at each other playing to the camera, and the feeling hit me again, I had the strongest desire to smell her closeness and taste her lips. I had a little shiver, a pang of attraction, ...
... goose bumps. Wow. Throughout the remainder of the night, I found myself looking to where Tracey was, watching her dancing and moving. But I was careful not to alert my partner. In fact as we sat at the dinning table, I surprised my partner with amorous advances, secretly caressing her buttocks and breasts. To which she blushed and whispered to me her plans for when we got home. At some point, I felt Tracey's eyes on me, and when I turned, she was approaching and asked me for a dance. My partner raised no objections, I followed Tracey onto the dance floor, watching her dress sway to the movement off her hips. It was a modern dance so basically we did our own thing, but as she moved I appreciated her curves and ample breasts. Her eye contact and smile was very warming to my ego, my mind wandered. Soon the dance was over, as was the function, my partner and I went home and completed a fun evening, fulfilling her plans. In the following weeks, I had little contact with Tracey at work, opposite rosters, we nodded and smiled in passing. Eventually we worked on the same shift, and when in close proximity, their was an obvious spark. Tracey on a couple of occasions when walking passed in a confined area, accidentally brushed my arm or shoulders with her full breasts. We chatted and shared information and stories. I enjoyed her company and my mind wandered on occasions thinking naughty thoughts about Tracey. Sometimes when she was seated, her cleavage was visible, which I took full ...