My Camping Trip
Date: 5/6/2016,
True Story
First Time
Author: Relas
My Camping Trip I have a gay sex with a stranger in a campground public shower. This is a true story. It has been a few years since this happened, and I've only recently gotten back into writing. So with plenty of perverted ideas knocking around in my head I thought I'd tell you about the the time I went camping with family, and ended up having sex with a stranger. I'll start by saying I'm not the most athletic guy, honestly I'm quite the nerd. However since this story falls under true I wont lie or embellish, though that might make the story less exciting. As far as my physical appearance goes I'm pretty slim, brown hair and eyes, I am white with a few freckles on my face, and a farmer's tan. So I'll begin the story at the beach, my dad and I took a camping trip with my uncle down to a GA campground with the plans to stay 2 weeks. Honestly everything sucked until I got laid, I'm not a big fan of camping or even the beach. I have no great desire to surf, fish, ogle girls in bikinis or get drunk. Like I said before: Nerd. While killing most of my time by reading the backlog of books I had brought, eventually a new group of campers pulled of in the lot across from ours, which also was right next to the public rest rooms. It was a group of about six people, mostly loud and annoying. However as I sat in my camp reading, I happened to notice one of the young guys in their camp staring at me. I wasn't sure at first, but almost every time i would look over, his eyes were focused on ...
... me. So I smiled, and he smiled back. I really didn't know what to make of the situation, I wasn't sure what could be done. Well later that night after eating with my dad and uncle, the call of nature hit me and I stepped away to the bathroom. I don't remember if I arrived first or if he did, but after using the urinal I stepped out to wash my hands and saw him at the back of the showers completely undressed with his back to me. His entire body was a nice tan brown, including his bare round ass. Now personally I am an assman, more then tits and dicks I love ass. Also if it isn't apparent yet, I'm bisexual. When I saw him standing there, undressed with his ass to me, I still didn't get the message and walked out of the bathroom having enjoyed the view. I kick myself even now for being so stupid, had I known I would have run over and shoved my face in his crack. So late the next night I believe, it had been a day since my last shower. Getting my towel, soap, shampoo and the like I headed over into the public restroom. Now in order to walk to the restroom, I have to walk right in front of his camp, so when I crossed by, he saw that I was heading to the showers. Undressing, getting into the warm shower I actually started washing myself. Of course I stopped when I heard the bathroom's main door open and close. With an open slit in the plastic shower divider I watched hoping he would show up, to my excitement he did. First turning on the other shower's faucet he took a peek through ...