Revenge, Pt 8 : Name Games
Date: 5/6/2016,
Male Domination,
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: masterKDean2014
... she whispered, her voice full of defeat, "I'll be a good girl." I smiled and leaned down to kiss her deeply. She eagerly welcomed my tongue into her mouth, but I pulled away quickly. I let go of her wrists and sat back. My cock was rock hard and sticking straight out from my body and she stared at it as she sat up. "Do I have to go now?" she asked as she rubbed her wrists, finally meeting my eye. I nodded. She dropped her eyes and turned away from me, getting off the bed. I actually liked the feeling of sending her away when I was still hard. Since this had begun with her, every night had been a test of my self control; could I put off having sex with her long enough to dominate her each time? At first it wasn't too difficult; I'd still hated her so much that I could easily overpower my lust for her, but I seemed to be becoming more and more attracted to her. Still, so far I'd passed, and it felt good to know I had some modicum of control over my crazy teenage hormones. I felt like it made a statement to her. I wasn't a slave to my urges, the way most guys my age were, and more to the point, the way she was. She put up with all this degradation and punishment in order to feel the pleasure that she did, and practically cried when I denied her it, but I could send her away with my dick still rock hard if I wanted to. It was just another kind of control, but an important one. After all, how could I responsibly control her if I couldn't control myself? When she gathered her ...
... clothes, she walked to the door and turned. She stood there awkwardly, her eyes roaming over my body. I could tell from the way she squeezed her thighs together that she was still desperate for pleasure. "I'll miss you." she said suddenly. "I know, sweetheart." I said, "But it's just three weeks. You can do it, I know you can." A smile flashed to her lips at my words of encouragement, and she nodded confidently. "I can." she said. "Good." I said. "Goodnight Jessica." "Goodnight Sir." she said, "Um, Steven." she corrected, smiling. I lay down and turned away from her, pulling the blanket up over me. I heard the door open, then close, and I was alone. Three weeks without any kind of sex with Jessica. And for two of those weeks I'd be completely alone. I would be fine, I always was. I was more interested in how she'd handle it. She was so desperate last time I'd denied her. Would she really be able to last three weeks without me? Maybe it was just arrogance, but I doubted it. Even after being punished tonight, she hadn't cried like she had in the past. I felt like I was dominating her properly, but I knew there were still unseen depths to her masochism that I had yet to explore. I'd made up the reward or punishment thing on the spot, but my mind was already buzzing with ideas. It was going to be a fun reunion whether she'd been good or not. Well, fun for me either way. I was still holding my sadistic side in check, but I hadn't found any kind of limit there either. I would have to ...