1. The Tease (Part 1)

    Date: 9/5/2015, Categories: Voyeur, Author: Adamgunn, Source: LushStories

    ... time. And, don't get me wrong, he knows his stuff in bed. But I don't trust him." "Why not?" "Well, he's trying to take control recently, not letting me do my thing. Tonight, for example, after dinner we stopped at a bar. I caught some guys looking at me, so I started hiking up my skirt. And I bent over so they could get a good look down my front. Don saw what I was doing, and he told me to stop it. Said they'd get the wrong idea of me. Hell, when we met he was trying to get a good look himself. That didn't give him the wrong idea, did it?" "Well, maybe if you told him that kind of attitude doesn't work for you, he might back off." "Maybe. But that's not the biggest thing. He chased me for months, and the only reason I finally let him catch me was that I hadn't had sex in over a year, and I was getting pretty horny. It was a mistake, and I'm paying for it. Even though he tries hard, I can't get off with him. Just doesn't work for me. I come real close, but then just as I'm starting, my brain clamps down. I guess you could say I'm selectively frigid." "Wow. You're frigid? I'd never think you were, not in a million years." "Just with some guys. Others, I can have a good time with. If I trust them, completely. Jim never had any trouble with me, the first time we ever screwed he had me hanging from the chandeliers. He could make me come so hard I'd be sore for days. Even years after we were married. Then I found out he was screwing around on me and I couldn't get there any more. ...
    ... It's all a matter of trust." She took a long swallow of the wine, slipped a little further into the hot water, jiggled her toes. "Did you ever have any troubles like that?" "Like what?" "You know. You're there with the girl, and you can't get it up?" Should I tell her? Ah, why not? "Just once, before I was married. I got set up with this girl, she was really good looking, a model, and when I go to drop her off, she tells me to come up. I couldn't believe it. I mean, she was so good looking, and there I am . . ." "a geek?" "yeah, well, so there I am, and she's doing everything she can, and my guy just isn't having any of it. Nothing at all. I was so embarrassed! I'm sure she's still laughing about it." "Maybe," Audrey consoled. "Don't worry about it. It's happened with me, plenty of times. I tease and tease and tease, and finally I let them grab me -- I'm not going to go all the way with them, but I'm going to make sure they're not frustrated -- and all that's in my palm is a handful of silly putty." She looked at me, I thought she was going to say something, then she stopped. I could see the gears shifting, then she said, "You doing anything tomorrow?" It wasn't the first thing she was going to ask me, I was sure of that, but I had no idea what had been on her mind. "No, nothing really. Why?" "I thought maybe we could go to the beach. It's supposed to be warm." "Yeah, I could get into that." "Okay, let's leave around ten." "Sounds good." She looked at me, then leaned over and ...