1. I'm being Blackmailed - Part 02

    Date: 4/28/2016, Categories: Fiction Blackmail, Discipline, Humiliation Job/Place-of-work Non-consensual sex Reluctance Spanking, Written by women Author: vanessa.evans

    I'm being Blackmailed by Vanessa Evans All characters involved in any sexual activities in this story were over 18 when the events took place. Author’s Note All stories in the fictional section of my web site are my fantasies of what I would like to have happened to me. I never intended to write a sequel to ‘I’m being Blackmailed’ but my imagination has been working overtime on my desire to go through something like Claire has and I’ve had some ideas as to how Claire’s ‘blackmail’ could progress. V Part 02 --------- Hi, my name’s Claire, I’m 19 and I’m being blackmailed into being a slut. After everything that had happened to me the first time that I did something stupid at work you’d have thought that I would have learnt my lesson but I went and did another stupid thing. Just in case you didn’t read what happened to me here’s a quick summary: - I work as an office junior at a smallish electronic surveillance company and I did 2 stupid things, firstly I made a mistake on an invoice to a friend’s father that could have been mistaken for me trying to fiddle the books; and the second was to use the company’s internet to access porn sites. My punishment was to wear next to nothing at work and to slowly become the sex toy of all the workers there. After a while I got to enjoy it and really looked forward to the daily fucks and exposure to employees, visitors and the people from surrounding businesses. I guess that I got to enjoy it too much and I started to get complacent in my ...
    ... work tasks. Sadly for me I made the mistake of not entering a payment of £1,634 into the books on the last Friday afternoon of the month. Let me explain. Firstly I’ve had no accountancy training so I don’t know what I should and shouldn’t do; I just follow instructions. The client came in on the Friday afternoon while no one else was there. I’d already finished updating the spreadsheet and couldn’t be bothered to go back and update it. I decided to put the money in the safe in Tony’s office until the Monday, then deal with it on the Monday morning. Unfortunately, the phone rang just as I was getting back to my desk and I had to take it. I threw the envelope towards my desk and as I answered the phone I saw the envelope slide off the desk and go into my open bag. I got on with answering the call and forgot all about the money. I only found it again when I got home and was looking for something in my bag. Knowing that there would be no one still at work I hid the money in my bedroom and got on with my weekend. Unfortunately I was late getting up on the Monday morning and I forgot all about the money. It was only when Tony called me into his office that I remembered what I’d left at home. Tony told me to stand next to him as he clicked on play on a video. I knew that I was in trouble as soon as I saw the money fall into my bag. Tony went ballistic. He was right when he said that he could call the police and get me locked-up and I just knew that I had to do anything and everything ...