1. Our House by loyalsock

    Date: 9/5/2015, Categories: First Time Taboo Author: loyalsock, Source: xHamster

    ... really blame her. He was just finishing with the crock-pot when he smelled a familiar fragrance. Then he felt two hands slide onto his shoulders. &#034How's it going?&#034 Laura said, her face moving in beside his. &#034A few more left. Hey, great dinner.&#034 She smiled happily. &#034You liked?&#034 &#034Yeah. Beef was fantastic.&#034 &#034Hmm. I'm still waiting on mine.&#034 He stopped mid-scrub, unable to contain his smile and the roll of his eyes. &#034Wow. Okay. Didn't know you were that corny.&#034 He pulled the clean crock-pot from the sink. &#034But I gotta be honest. I don't think mine's as good as yours.&#034 Her voice came down to a whisper, sensual against his ear. &#034I know better than you.&#034 He felt her lick his neck. &#034Hey, heathens.&#034 It was Lucy from the f****y room. &#034Law & Order's coming on. You gonna watch?&#034 Chris and Laura knew their parents couldn't see them, so Laura answered, quick and smooth. &#034No, thanks. Chris is gonna help me with my bio homework.&#034 She looked at him purposefully. &#034Aren't you?&#034 Chris just smiled. In the f****y room, Lucy shrugged. &#034Suit yourself.&#034 They could hear Jack's newspaper shuffle as he looked up from it. &#034Laura's taking biology?&#034 Chris and Laura stifled their laughter as they headed upstairs. &#034Where do you wanna do it?&#034 Chris asked, then quickly added, &#034Your homework. Where do you wanna do your homework?&#034 He said it loud enough for their parents to hear. ...
    ... Laura giggled. &#034Your room okay?&#034 &#034Seems only fair.&#034 &#034Alright. I'll grab my books and be over.&#034 And she disappeared into her room, closing the door. Chris went over to his room, put on a U2 playlist of mp3's, and hopped on the internet while he waited. Between a trial lawyer and a museum curator, their f****y was well-provided for. The house had wireless internet, both Chris and Laura had LCD's in their rooms, and the f****y room was decked out with a large plasma screen and surround sound. Jack was nuts about plasma technology, but when it came to Chris and Laura's rooms, he let them pick their TV's. Laura the photographer was partial to LCD's. Chris just got what she got. And Lucy couldn't care less. She was barely home enough to enjoy any of it. As he checked his email, his mind again wandered to earlier that day, then quickly wandered to what was to come when Laura came over to do her &#034homework&#034. Chris was excited, but he also felt a strange nervousness welling up in him. He wanted to see Laura and be with her again, but what if they got caught? Would their parents care? Would they be angry? Was there anything for them to care or be angry about? Everyone got along – Lucy liked Laura and Jack liked Chris. Were they potentially ruining everything by giving in to these very sudden urges? Before he could ponder any of the answers to those questions, he heard a knock on the bathroom door. His and Laura's rooms were connected by their own bathroom. ...