1. No Rules, Part 2

    Date: 9/5/2015, Categories: Straight Sex, Author: TraceEkies, Source: LushStories

    ... “Don't you see? Sally was a free spirit sexually. He loved her, or at least had the serious hots for her. He wanted me to have the same attitude. He wanted me to be as free and easy about sex as Sally had been.” Boy did he. “And you still think he was just being brotherly?” Jill said accusingly. Ashley replied defensively, “Of course. He doesn't even have a girlfriend,” except me . “And with as much teasing as I was doing he must have been ready to explode.” Oh and when he explodes he cums all over the place. “Still we were sleeping in the same room, using the same bathroom, with each other twenty-four hours a day and he never once came on to me in any way.” Oh boy is that a lie! “Thats got to be brotherly.” Jill had to agree. “Yeah, I guess you're right. I'm just having a little trouble believing it. I can't imagine how two people could be so into sex and yet resist so much temptation.” “Well we did,” Ashley lied. “I learned a lot on that short trip to France, not so much about France itself, but a lot about me. I learned I liked showing off ...
    ... and being the center of attention.” I really liked the way Brad looked at me when I was naked. “I learned that being sexy was fun,” especially when it entailed sucking Brad's dick, “and I liked the way men looked at me, particularly when I wasn't wearing much. I liked being touched,” like when it was Brad's tongue on my pussy, “and I liked being a sex object.” “Whoa... You like being a sex object .” Jill's voice had risen in disbelief. “Uh huh, it's fun! You ought to try it.” But not with Brad, he's mine. “Well I don't know if I would have the nerve to do even half of what you've done but...” Jill looked at her watch. “Oh shit, I've got to go. I was supposed to pick up my grandmother five minutes ago.” “Come over to the house when you're done. You know where I live.” “I do so want to, but I can't today, probably not for several days. I'm taking grandmother for some cataract surgery and knowing her she'll have me waiting on her hand and foot for the next few days.” “Next week then.” “For sure. I have got to hear more,” even if you are lying to me. 