1. Revenge

    Date: 9/4/2015, Categories: BDSM Author: bikerbear600, Source: LushStories

    ... 'No, please don't. You've had your fun. Please untie me. I'm cramped and my bum is hurting!' he begged. I was tired and wanted to go home. I pulled the hairbrush out of his arse and left it on the bed. I looked at him and tried to decide if I should let him go or not. Finally I decided to simply flip a coin. 'Heads you get to go free, tails I leave you for your family to find in the morning. What time is are they due back by the way?' I asked. 'My sister will be home around 8am. Please let me go,' he pleaded. I tossed the coin in the air and caught it on the back of my wrist. 'Tails. You get to stay where you are!' I laughed, grabbing my clothes and walking out of the room. I sat on his sister's bed listening to him alternatively plead and threaten me for 10 minutes before he went quiet. I removed the stockings and top I had borrowed and shoved them deep in the dirty laundry before dressing in my own clothes. Dave must have heard the bedroom door close because he started shouting and pleading again. I walked back into the bedroom and he almost started crying when he saw I was fully dressed. 'See you later Dave. Thanks for a great evening,' I smiled. 'Let me loose. You've had your fun! Please? I'll pay you,' he pleaded. 'Not good enough. Ask me really nicely,' I ...
    ... laughed at him. 'You fucking slut! Let me go or I'll fucking kill you!' he shouted. Something inside of me snapped at the threat. I slowly unfastened my jeans and pushed them down my legs before stepping out of them. I removed my panties then climbed on the bed and stood over his face, slowly squatting down so my pussy was pointing directly at his mouth. 'This is to stop your foul mouth,' I said and pissed in his face. I didn't have much urine, but it was enough to half fill his surprised mouth before he spluttered and spat it out. I got off the bed and pulled my panties and jeans back on then sat down to lace my boots. Dave just glared at me from the bed. 'If you had been nice I would have let you go. Now you're going to have to try and explain to your sister why you're tied to your bed with a face full of piss,' I said. 'Please let me go. I'm really, really sorry,' Dave pleaded, almost in tears. I loosened the scarf holding his wrist to the bed and made sure the key to the handcuffs was close enough for him to reach. He was already struggling and trying to get the scarf off as I ran down the stairs. I made it to the street with his threats ringing in my ears and ran back to where I'd left my car earlier in the evening. I drove home, laughing to myself all the way! 