1. from curious to first time part 5

    Date: 4/24/2016, Categories: True Story Anal Bi-sexual Boy / Boy, First Time Gay Author: alilcurious

    (Recommend reading the first parts to get the whole story) There is no other way to explain the last visit to Garys house than to say that , he rocked my world! That night is still memorable! After that night we met a few times, but not as often as we both became busy. We chatted and talked here and there but could not make the time to meet! Frustration started to build you could tell between us both. I would say I started putting more pressure on him :) because I wanted to pay him another visit, but our schedules were just to crazy. One day I let him know I would more than likely be by his place the next day. He advised me to call him and see what his schedule was like. I made it a point to get to this area early, knowing he was gonna be working from home. When I got to the area, I called and he answered. I was a little busy but he definitely sounded busy. He told me he was waiting for a conference call, but that I could go over! When I got there, He answered the door, in some shorts and a muscle shirt. Looked like he was just relaxing at home. He invited me in and we hugged. We briefly chatted and he apologized for not being able to match the schedules, I told him I understood and sat down. I had been working for a little that day, so I asked him if I could clean up. He said sure, then his phone rang. He said it was his conference call and told me "you know where everything is, go ahead and clean up in my room!" His room was just one big room, no door or anything for his ...
    ... shower. Only door was the main door into the room, and toilet room, everything else was in the open! I decided to leave the main room door open and jumped into the shower!! As I showered, I got that someone is watching me feeling! After a little bit, I took a peak towards the door way, and there was gary on his phone but just watching me through the shower glass! He noticed that I noticed him, so he tried to act like he wasnt looking, but I quickly acted like I didnt notice him and continued with my shower! This time I purposely tried to make it more exciting! I bent over more than I should of , and when I soaped up my cock and ass, I made sure I stroked the area nicely so he could see! The whole time he stood at the door way! Then I shut off the water, and I noticed him walk away from the doorway. I grabbed my towel and jumped out. He had a nice big restroom area, all carpeted! I dried off in front of his mirror. Checking myself out offcourse, was completely nude and very hard!! As I was finishing up drying off, Gary walked in from behind me!! He stood behind and reached around with both hands....made me drop the towel and went straight for my cock with both hands! He whispered in my ear "So you been wanting this huh?" . I whispered back "YES". He roughly took one hand back and squeezed my ass hard. Then he quickly began to pull off his shorts and pulled off his muscle shirt. As he was pulling his shirt over his head...i gently pushed him up against the wall and dropped down ...