The Shoplifter Chapter Three
Date: 9/4/2015, Categories: True Story Interracial, Pregnant, Author: Barbiebnympho
... black guys were gone and two white women were here. One sat on the couch with Bobbie the other in a big chair. Bobby got up as soon as he saw me enter and turned me back toward the hall where he handed me my skirt and blouse from a chair. He took my towel while I slid into my clothes. “Bobby, do you know where my panties are? I might need them.” He smiled Not right now lover, there is too much on my mind to think about panties. You are a very special lady. I have a couple people here I want you to get to know before you go.” With that he turned me toward the front room. “Hey ladies, let me introduce you to Caroline. Caroline is a very special girl with a little bump problem you understand.” He turned to face me, “Sugar, these ladies are very close with me here. They help with all kind of things. I want them to catch up with you and what’s going on. For starters, tell them why you’re down here in the hood getting help from Bobby.” I stood there in silence. Humiliation came over me. I just had to assume they knew everything. Bobby just wanted the entertainment of listening to me tell them. I could feel dampness down between my upper legs. This skirt was so short; my blouse was so thin; it was embarrassing to stand in front of women in this condition; much more so than men. They knew where I had been and Bobby had most likely told them all about me. Bobby looked at me sternly. I could tell he was really into this. “Well let’s go Caroline. I want you to tell these ladies what you ...
... did and why you are here. They are on my team. No secrets at Bobby’s place.” I could feel my face turning red. I needed Bobbie happy. He was the key to everything. If he got pissed at me, I was really out in the cold. If this was the entertainment he wanted, I had to oblige. Step by step, I stood there and told the story; shoplifting, paying with sex to avoid jail, pregnancy; and even how I was helping to pay for it. Nothing I said seemed to surprise them, but I could sense the excitement. They were enjoying my story, my plight. I was entertaining them for sure. As I finished Bobby got up and came over to point me to the straight chair by the desk. The next twenty minutes were surprising. Bobby introduced the ladies. Donna and Nancy were both in their mid-thirties, married with children. Both were nurses. Both knew Dr Smith and used him as an OBGYN. Bobby had asked them to stop over tonight to meet me and check up on things. What a good idea. The whole thing just made sense and it made me feel great. Nancy got up and asked me to follow her down the hall. Once we were seated in the back room she asked me a series of question about how I was responding to the pill. In short I told her; no nausea, no fever, some tiredness, some tenderness, lactation, and still some additional swelling in the tummy. She offered me encouragement. Assured me that this program worked well, nothing I had reported was unusual; all seemed to be right on track. She asked a couple questions about what I ...