1. Jake's Magic Remote V - Cruel Temptation

    Date: 9/4/2015, Categories: Sex Humor, Shemales, Voyeur, Author: WriterJim, Source: xHamster

    ... thing to be turned on by your dad, she thought. Heck, all her friends were turned on by her dad. He was like a walking advertisement for casual gym memberships. Katie kept on wanting to do sl**povers, and Petra was pretty sure it wasn’t because she liked doing nails and experimenting with lesbianism. But it was another thing entirely to have a spontaneous orgasm while practically climbing on his lap! Seriously. How did that even happen? She hadn’t been touching herself. She’d thought maybe she’d have fun “forgetting” to wear panties and “accidentally” wiggling the popcorn bowl, but then things had gone totally weird. And now she’d roped herself into sitting in a dark theater with him and would have to pretend she didn’t feel super awkward about the whole thing. And there was no way he didn’t know. He had to have noticed something. It was really cool of him to be quiet about it, but seriously, she left a wet spot on the couch! And speaking of wet spots on the couch, how about that scene with mom the night before? That was like something out of a porn video! She couldn’t get the image out of her head lately. She’d been laying in bed playing with herself when she started hearing the moans, so she went to investigate. For Science, of course, not because she was a pervert or anything. And from the stairs she could see it: daddy’s muscular back, ass and legs working hard as he plowed into mom on the couch, her feet in the air and toes curling as he thrust into her again and again ...
    ... and again… And before she knew it, there she was half-naked and fucking herself along with them! God, if either one of them ever found out about that she’d die of embarrassment! But still… it had just been so hot! The way he took her, strong and powerful and aggressive, and the way she begged and demanded for more… Petra shook her head. Nope, no, don’t think that way. He’s your daddy, you little ho-bag! Not. An. Option. So what if Mom was turning into sort of a bitchy control freak? And so what if Dad spent more time watching porn than giving it to his wife? That didn’t justify… What, exactly? What was it she was imagining as she sat here and apparently didn’t play the video game anymore because oh hey look there’s my hand in my pants. What was it she was fantasizing about? Seducing her own father to relieve him of the pressure of being in an unrewarding marriage and having him show her how to be a woman? Yeah… that sounded pretty nice, she thought as she rubbed herself. And if his dick was anything like that hallucination that she’d had again when she walked in the door today… mmm, she’d like to get her hands on that. Keith had been alright, but not that big and kinda limp sometimes. And she’d gone farther with him than anyone else. Her parents were really cool about supplying condoms all sneaky-like… which was why Petra had been giving them to her friends to use for about three years now. But the truth was that she’d never gone all the way before. She was thinking about it ...