1. Alouette

    Date: 9/4/2015, Categories: Love Stories, Author: GoBigCatGo, Source: LushStories

    ... folds of her mound. Alouette sat up, tugging down his breeches and biting her lip as his eager member bobbed out. She caressed it like a favoured pet and squeezed even more blood into it; then reclined, drawing him with her, wrapping every limb around him. Cephas watched her glorious, elated face, as he poised his hardness at the hot yielding flesh between her thighs. He dropped a kiss to her lips, frowning at the shimmer of sweat on her cheeks. # Alouette had witnessed merely cruelty from men in her life, the only gentle loving provided by other women. She had wished for just one man. This one. She whimpered as her dream plunged firmly within her now, and at the same time became possessed of an insatiable urge for more of him. He fed himself to her and the more he fed the more she needed, deeper, quicker. She wriggled under him, pushing his shoulders, twisting him onto his back so she could take control of her needs. She felt frantic on this magnificent mountain of a man. Chewing, writhing and spilling over his body. Her body wild with hunger for him. For life. Cephas kissed all that she offered, lips, cheeks, neck, breasts; each met with a bursting sigh. He dug his fingers into her buttocks, pushing hard, hardly able to keep up with Alouette’s nimble dance on him. She ...
    ... was deeply aware of his climax, unbearably close, how he bottled it up. It stiffened him inside her, lighting her up. She locked rigid, arched in stifled silence. Sparkles flashed to white and removed all skin between them. She curled into him, drew him into to her, crying out into his mouth. He erupted beneath her, the mountain become a volcano, jetting hot lava into her body. She clamoured for his pulses with internal spasms of her own, sucking at him, onto life. For one… more… sweet… beat... Then her breath sighed its last, long, descending note and released her soul with it. The song soared, swooping up, and out into the dawn. With all the other birds. # “No!” Cephas leapt off the bed with the singing woman still impaled on his throbbing member, frighteningly limp and searingly hot. He charged outside and pressed her into the snow, expecting steam to puff up from her skin but worse, the single plume of her song grew thin. Then disappeared. Ice burned his feet and his knees and he curled over the woman, her face still. The pink in her cheek dissolved until she seemed made of snow. His chest wrenched sobs, and he bit his fist. Tears flowed, so hot and heavy they could not be frozen. They dripped onto her face. Into her sealed eyes. Onto her cold lips. Kindling a smile. 