1. Transgender dating advice

    Date: 4/18/2016, Categories: Fetish, Shemales, Taboo Author: holdatduck, Source: xHamster

    13 RULES FOR DATING A TRANSGENDER WOMAN Greetings, Ariscestocrats! How are your dating lives? Any single transgender women out there? Not too many, eh? Well, I’ll attest to that being the reason I keep running into the same type of guy. He’s Mr. Uninformed, Mr. Inexperienced, and he has a million questions, none of which have anything to do with who you are, but “what” you are. And it’s not that these men don’t mean well, it’s just that they’re hurting their chances by remaining ignorant to a person that they’re clearly attracted to. So, if you’re attracted to transgender women, here are a few choice rules in dating one. Please pay attention — I speak only the truth. 1. DO NOT REFER TO US AS “TRANNIES.” It will not end well for you. This is an offensive slang that is used in the LGBT community, sometimes jokingly, but NEVER in civilized conversation. It’s rude. 2. DO TREAT US WITH THE RESPECT YOU WOULD GIVE ANY CISGENDER GIRL. Many times, I’ve chatted with men in bars who were beyond sweet to me — opening doors and asking my interests — only to have the script flip when I reveal that I’m trans. The questions change from, “What’s your favorite place you’ve ever been?” to “So, what are you into, like, in bed?” It’s beyond frustrating, humiliating and degrading. We are worth a real connection and real love. If that’s not something that you want, then leave the nice young lady alone. 3. MOST OF US ARE NOT GENDER STUDIES PROFESSORS. Do NOT ask us about trans issues, what it’s like ...
    ... to live a day in our shoes or what our stance is on the treatment of trans women the world over. It has nothing to do with who we are. If the girl in question is a software engineer, you should probably ask her about that. If she’s a painter, she’ll be better at that. Buy a few books on us if that’s your thing, educate yourself — the information is out there. Take a gender studies course if you want the skinny on all things trans; we are not teachers. Unless, of course, your girl is a gender studies teacher, then go right on ahead. 4. DO ASK US ABOUT OUR f****y LIFE. Some girls will not have a supportive f****y, but will hope to create a loving f****y one day and want to talk about that. Others may have a very liberal background and be excited to share stories about her people with you. It’s a touchy subject sometimes, but at least the topic is genuine, it has nothing to do with sex or gender. These are the questions that will actually help you get to know someone at their core, and it shows that you are actually interested. 5. DO NOT ASK ABOUT OUR SURGERIES. Our body is none of your business, and vise versa. I’m not going to ask you about the pins that you had to put in your knee from that basketball injury you had in college, so you are NOT to ask me if my boobs are hormone grown or implants. Plain and simple. 6. DO ASK ABOUT OUR HOBBIES, THAT SPECIAL QUIRK THAT MAKES OUR SOUL HAPPY. I love to bar hop with my friends, chill outdoors, brunch all day and decorate my house. I ...