1. Cousin Julie's Sex Lessons Part 2

    Date: 4/17/2016, Categories: Group Sex Taboo Author: seanbabs, Source: xHamster

    After the first part of cousin Julie’s sex lesson was over, we took a break, had another drink and Babs began explaining how to please a man by knowing various positions. She explained that some men like to keep changing position during sex and that the more positions she knew the better it please the guy. I have to admit that some of the positions Babs described I had never heard of nor had I ever tried but they sounded like a lot of fun so I really paid close attention. Then Julie asked if we could try some of the different positions and of course I was all for it. For the next hour, Babs had us in position after another. We started with more common positions like doggie, side saddle and cowgirl. In each position I had my cock in her for about a minute, moving in and out of her and enjoying every second. Babs then started putting us in some pretty wild positions and I felt like we part of a Kama sutra class. We knelt, stood, leaned, squatted, stand on our hands and I really don’t’ remember how many positions we tried. Some were so awkward that I would not recommend trying it unless you’re into things like that. Through it all I must have inserted my cock in my cute cousin’s pussy at least 20-30 times in different positions. Julie did experience several orgasms and I came twice inside her. After an hour we were both tired and Julie was getting sore. She told us that she hadn’t have that much action at one time ever before. We both needed a rest, so Babs fixed another round ...
    ... of drinks and then handed Julie a long thin dildo and told her this was her homework. Julie looked confused and worried until Babs explained. She asked Julie if she knew what Kegel exercises were and she said yes but she rarely ever did them. Babs told her that she was to do Kegels several times a day. Then she explained that very few women can make a man cum with just using her pelvic muscles without moving the rest of her body. Doing Kegel exercises helps to condition those muscles. Once they get conditioned, then she was put the slender dildo in her pussy and work on holding it inside of her while she walked around. Once she learned how to hold it in place while walking around, then she was to practice consciously flexing her muscles around the dildo. Babs also told her that it would help if she would put a finger inside her pussy as far as it will go and then practice flexing her muscles around her finger and that would tell her how well she is progressing. At that point, I told Julie that Babs is the only woman I’ve been with that could successfully fuck me to orgasm by just using her pussy muscles and trust me it’s a very incredible experience. Babs added that once she mastered that, she could also use it during regular sex to heighten the experience. It will drive the guys wild and bring them back for more. Julie said it was getting late and she needed to leave. We hugged and kissed, and kissed her nipples again and then she got dressed. Babs told her to make sure to do ...