1. The "Five"

    Date: 9/3/2015, Categories: Anal BDSM Hardcore Author: auroran, Source: xHamster

    ... shoulder length brown hair, and looked very elegant in the tight silky, black, blouse and silver gray slacks that she wore. As I requested she was showing cleavage and I noticed several of the patrons checking her out as she glided to the table. As she approached, I stood to greet her. She held out her hand and said &#034Sir&#034 as I took her hand and kissed it lightly on the back. Her hand was cool and soft in mine as she shivered slightly and giggled slightly at my kiss. A male waiter too quickly approached and took our order, a small order of shrimp and two white wines, just enough but not too much for &#034later&#034. Then thankfully left with a smile on his face after peering down Rachel's cleavage. Her bra very nicely cupped her breasts so they we separated to two perfect globes. I could hardly wait to free them and play! We chatted over a glass of wine while waiting the food. We would need the fuel for later, lol! The shrimp came and we feed each other the chewy morsels. We had fun, laughing and giggling. As we finished the shrimp she excused herself to visit the Ladies room. I quickly requested that she ease the tension on the top button of her blouse. She giggled at the request, &#034of course Sir!&#034 Upon return she sat back down with her button undone and bra now showing! I was very hard now. We finished our wine, &#034Shall we?&#034 I said. We got up to leave and I slid my arm around her waist. Rachel sighed and leaned against me as we walked out of the ...
    ... restaurant. I suggested that we drive over to a local marina and talk for a while. She followed me over and I walked to where she had parked. The sun would not set for a couple of hours, It was hot and the bl**d rushing in my veins seemed to be near boiling as I opened her car door. She stepped out of her car and into my arms. I lightly kissed her forehead, each cheek, chin then the corners of her lips, this was so hard to hold back! To NOT kiss her deeply! I slowly kissed along her upper lip, slightly pulling on her lip with the kiss. My arms go around her as hers surround my shoulders. My tongue, slowly separates her lips. I felt her slip slightly in my arms as her knees buckle a bit, the kiss deepens. I run my fingers through her hair as my tongue strokes hers &#034Mmmmmm&#034 Rachel moans as we fully embrace. I break the kiss, leaving deeper kisses for later, and pull her tighter as I feel her breasts softly flatten against my chest. Erect nipples pricking my chest through our clothes. I take her by the hand over to a bench. &#034Thank you Sir&#034 she breathes into my ear. &#034Just the beginning,&#034 I replied. We talked briefly and intimately as I described my plans for the evening. I told her that if she wished to join me in my room she should call my cell when she reached the elevators as the elevator to my suite was private. Rachel giggled at the thought, &#034of course I will be there!&#034 she then leaned in to whisper &#034I am soaking wet for you Sir!!&#034 and &#034I ...