1. The "Five"

    Date: 9/3/2015, Categories: Anal BDSM Hardcore Author: auroran, Source: xHamster

    ... P. Now go in this small room, shower, completely. You need to be as clean as you know how to be. When you are finished, come out naked and kneel on all four here next to me.&#034 I did as told, paying particular attention to my ass. I came out and positioned myself as she requested, eyes on the floor. &#034You will do as I say, you may be a Dom elsewhere, but here you are MINE to do with as I desire, understood?&#034 &#034Yes Mistress, at your command, Mistress.&#034 &#034Your safe words are yellow, for approaching a limit, and red if the limit is exceeded, understood? &#034Yes Mistress&#034 &#034But tonight you will have no limits, correct? So you won't use either word, yes?&#034 I pause for a minute thinking that through, &#034Yes Mistress.&#034 &#034Good&#034 She proceeded to put wrist and ankle cuffs tightly on me. Then a tight leather collar. Attaching a lead to the collar, &#034up, sub&#034 she orders. Mistress has been joined by a young woman, in her twenties, long dark hair, black leather bustier, bare C sized breasts and waist, &#034This is my mistress in training, Mistress Teri, refer to her as Mistress T and obey her as you would me.&#034 &#034Yes Mistress.&#034 &#034She will take you back to the shower room where she will give you an enema to thoroughly cleanse your ass.&#034 She leads me back into the room and fills an enema bag that I had not seen, with warm water. &#034Sit on the stool please. We want you to be as clean as possible, since we don't use condoms ...
    ... here.&#034 I sit as requested and she slides the nozzle into my ass, I feel the warm water being f***ed into me as Mistress T squeezes the bag. &#034Wait, why would you need a condom for my ass? I am straight, I enjoy anal penetration, but…&#034 &#034You want to experience what your women subs experience, right? When was the last time you fucked a woman's ass?&#034 &#034Ah, last night.&#034 &#034Really!&#034 she giggles, &#034and her mouth?&#034 &#034Ah, at breakfast today&#034 I sheepishly respond. &#034Well you will have both experiences very soon, fucked both ways, and by well hung male subs!&#034 &#034…but I&#034 &#034But nothing, you NEED to experience cum being shot down your throat, and dripping from your ass. But don’t worry, your cock will only be used for women, OK?&#034 &#034I need to think about this…&#034 &#034you will do as Mistress P commands, correct?&#034 &#034Yes&#034 &#034Then there is nothing to think about, it will just happen and very soon!&#034 She refills the bag and shoots more water into my ass as my trepidation builds. I eliminate the water, and Mistress T gives me a final inspection. Then leads me back out. Mistress P has been joined by two muscular men, one black, Rich, and one white, Bill. I kneel again before Mistress. &#034He is now clean, Mistress and is aware.&#034 &#034Good, well done Teri&#034 Rich and Bill lift me from my kneeling position and take me to what appears to be a desk. Facing the wall, heavy chains were attached to my wrist and ...