Our Game, Our Love 7
Date: 4/14/2016,
Consensual Sex
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: JL5353
... Joey said. “Honey smells good. But that’s terrible. I can ask Tyler about it, I can tell when he lies, so don’t worry. I gotcha Jo.” Izzy said. “Alright, thanks. I’m going to talk with Harper and Lexi. See you at practice!” Joey said. The girls walked down to 1st period. “Damn. Tyler has a lot of explaining to do, mm.” Nicole giggled. ----------- At lunch, the guys were supposed to switch Joey’s gatorade to The Ketchup Concoction. The girls made an excuse so Joey would get up. “Hey Jo-Jo, Tyler said meet him in the storage closet. Hmm.” Kaylen whispered. Joey bit her lip and walked to the storage closet. Kaylen grabbed her gatorade and poured it out in a nearby trashcan. Nick grabbed a thing of ketchup while Devon poured a water bottle into the gatorade bottle. “Steve, add your salt.” Devon said. Steve added some salt and Caleb added sugar. Nick poured the ketchup in, then gave it to Greg to shake up. “Okay.” Greg said. He placed the “gatorade” back by her food and they all walked outside to the courtyard. “So what did you guys do last night?” Nick asked. “We literally watched Full House and went to sleep. Low Key as fuck.” Kaylen replied. “Asking us, what did y’all do last night?” Izzy asked. “Uhm, went to Steve’s house.” Greg replied. “Oh, so no porno was made?” Aly giggled. “Actual-” “Don’t even.” Nicole interrupted. The guys chuckled and Caleb spoke up, “Oh so you’re saying you four didn’t have an orgy?” Kaylen, Nicole, Izzy and Aly shared a look. “Not a chance in hell.” ...
... They said at once. The nine continued talking about the previous night, then Prestyn came over. “Caleb! You were supposed to talk to me inside! What the hell?! Come on!” She screeched. “Ow.” Kaylen whispered. “Fuck off, Kaylen! Caleb, why do you even hang out with them? HELLO?! I’m your fucking girlfriend!” Prestyn roared. Caleb sighed. “Prestyn….. You don’t have to scream at me. If you texted me, I would’ve came.” “Come on! Quit lying, all you want to do is hang with them! Aren’t I more important?!” Prestyn lowered her voice a bit, but was still loud. “I mean…. Yeah. But yo-” “THEN COME ON!” “Can you shut the fuck up?!” Aly, Izzy, Nicole and Kaylen shouted. Prestyn had a blank stare on her face. “Yeah, we’re talking to you! Ms. Queen Bee! Let him finish his damn sentence!” Nicole yelled. “Thank you. What I was saying is that I have friends too. You always want me to hang with you, Anna, Marla and Tyler. But I don’t like them. These are my friends. Say hi! But don’t come over and scream at me because something didn’t go your way.” Caleb said. “You’re so mean! I fucking hate you! We’re done!” Prestyn said. She ran through the big double doors back into the school. “Yes! Thank Jesus! Oh, I think I’m leash free.” Caleb cheered. The bell rang and the friends went to their separate classes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kaylen shut her locker and turned to Aly. “Ugh, I don’t know why I feel ...