1. Court Records Chapter Two

    Date: 4/13/2016, Categories: True Story Older Male / Female, Virginity Written by women Young Author: Barbiebnympho

    ... the bed, leaned over and shook her arm through the sheet. “Sarah! My buddy is gone. You can go down stairs on the daybed. I made it up for you. You will be comfortable down there.” Sarah turned over onto her back and moved up on the pillow. She appeared wide awake, she looked up at him with a strange captivating look in her eyes, but she said nothing. He had to be decisive, responsible. “I am going across the hall and take a shower. You move down to the day bed while I am in the shower.” Sarah didn’t move. She just continued to look at him with the same beguiling eyes. “Why did you take your clothes off?” He asked. Trying to be a bit more assertive and get her moving. “Put something on and go down stairs.” “If you want, wear one of my T-shirts from the top drawer in that dresser. Good night!” Clem crossed the room, without another word and headed down the hall and into the bathroom. He forced himself to think of right things, stay calm and lose himself in hot water and soap. Hope against hope she would be down stairs where she belonged when he returned to the bedroom…hope against hope she would still me lying there with that look in her beautiful eyes. Clem dried thoroughly and put on boxers and a white T-shirt that he had taken to the bathroom. He dried and dressed very slowly. He scrubbed his teeth slowly. He did not want the answer to the question in his bedroom quite yet. He wanted to savor the possibility. He did not want this adventure to end. Once finished he ...
    ... quietly went back across the hall and opened the bedroom door. The room was much darker than before. He could see little except for his side of the bed and the white sheet turned down ready for him. What a considerate little gal. Someone had raised her correctly. He shut the door and started across to the bed. It was dark except for a little light coming in through the open window from the yard light. That little bit of light comforted him every night and he would definitely need all the comfort he could get tonight. Trying to forget that sweet innocent little gal asleep downstairs would not be easy. Clem slid into his bed and pulled the sheet over him. For a moment he lay very still on his back. The cool sheet felt so good. He had in made. He had done the right thing. That was, until he heard the door open and Sarah came into the bedroom. “Mr. Clem. I can’t sleep down there alone. I‘m scared. There are so many strange noises outside. I want to be up here with you.” Clem froze, “Listen Sarah, no way. You do not know how a man thinks, what a problem it is for me to do what is right with you here in my house, let alone in the same room. Please go down and try to sleep. We must get you home first thing in the morning.” Sarah took the remaining steps around to stand at the other side of the bed, “Mr. Clem, listen! I read a lot of stuff and I have been told everything about men. I am old enough to know about sex stuff and I really need to sleep up here where I feel safe.” His erection ...