1. Court Records Chapter Two

    Date: 4/13/2016, Categories: True Story Older Male / Female, Virginity Written by women Young Author: Barbiebnympho

    ... responded by embracing her and moving upward against her holding her tightly. A flood of moisture came to him as she once began moving along him. Her movement began very high on his body, as she placed her breast in position for his kiss; and it ended as she came down solidly against him below. Fortunately, there was absolutely no entry, but it sure wasn’t for lack of trying. Each time she moved downward she would murmur something and come back to his lips, only to slide back down a little harder. Suddenly, she shook from head to toe, again and again. She clung to him with an unbelievable strength, shaking, convulsing. He tightened his embrace. Sarah was climaxing violently in his arms. Sarah was his, or was he hers. She lay there on top of him encircled in his arms, quietly, shaking from head to toe. No entry, not even close but she had still managed an enormous climax. Clem lay holding her, panting and not knowing what to do or say. Sarah broke the silence without lifting her face from his chest, “Wow was that something. That was wonderful. Did I scare you?” “I have never had one like that. I have little ones playing at home. I know what that’s all about, but I have never had one like that. Wow! Can I just lie here on top of you?” “Sure.” He muttered not knowing what else to say. The conversation was over; she was holding him tightly with her lips against the side of his neck. Clem could feel spasm after spasm pass through her body. Each time she responded with a flood of ...
    ... moisture onto him. Clem felt a certain peace. She had climaxed. That removed a lot of pressure for her, for sure. Perhaps they would sleep… He allowed his arms to relax downward to the bed giving her full freedom to leave. He was filled with a sense of calm resolution He had been ready but there was no way they had been able to… Time passed unnoticed. He was still resting, lost in thought, when he felt the first of her renewed movements on top of him. Sarah seemed lost in his arms as she began to move along him. It started slowly, quietly, but it grew much quicker this time, until she was lost in frenzy, trying one angle, then another. Her murmurs became a moan as his arms came up around her to hold her. Then her moans grew stronger. He was certain she was hurting herself. With strong arms he brought her to a halt. “Sarah, stop. Come to your senses. We have done enough! That has got to hurt like hell; Stop!” He held her tightly to him so she could not move. Sarah lifted enough to look down directly into his eyes, “You are right. That hurts like hell. So please just let me alone so I can hurt myself. Turn me loose you monster” She lifted her face from his chest again, gave him a most seductive grin, and dropped her lips to his neck. With that Clem released her and she return to loving him. His arms encircled her and his hands went gently down her back and found her beautiful bottom. As soon as he did, she came down harder than ever. Time after time from one side then the other ...