1. The white dress

    Date: 9/3/2015, Categories: Straight Sex, Author: storymanza, Source: LushStories

    ... them, made them last. I loved how close we were when we were cumming, and comign down from our shared orgasm. I pulled out of you, leaned back against the wall, and pulled you to me, holding you tightly, with love and desire. After a few minutes, we parted, and started to walk together into the house. There was more of this to do. The white dress was not even off yet. -------- Lynda, you know how much I have liked you since we first started chatting a few years ago now. You remember the brandy story (linked)? I want you to enjoy this story the way you did the brandy story. I want you to touch yourself, to take it slowly, imagine the story, feel it, feel your body responding. Build it up slowly, and hold yourself just back from the edge. Practice that a little bit. Then, after a few times going to the edge, rub your clit harder, and take yourself over the edge. Feel the orgasm, make it an intense one, grab it and hold it and make it a long one. Feel my words making love to your body through the instrument of your own hands. But feel me in your orgasm, with you, loving what you are feeling, and feeling the ultimate in happiness. The joy of giving pleasure to someone I care about, respect and hold dear. You can be greedy. Greedy is good. Go for a second orgasm. There is one still in you yet, waiting to be released. I know. I put it there. With my words.