1. Messy Roommate 3

    Date: 4/10/2016, Categories: Dark Fantasy Bi-sexual Cheating Cuckold, Masturbation Teen Male/Teen Female Author: Nebic

    ... side before trying to explain things. "All that just happened, that was just for fun, it didn't mean anything really. You couldn't stop jerking, we couldn't stop fucking, things were said, feelings were hurt, but it was all just for pleasure, nothing personal. I bet Nancy is still your girlfriend! She just needs to come down from her high, you know?" Paul explained, actually calming Jim down. "Y-You think so?" Jim asked hopefully. "Totally dude, I mean I know we spit on you and said really mean things, but you know how it is when you get horny, you'll do anything to get that nut right?" Paul said, patting Jim on the back, aware that he was still naked with his dick hanging between his legs. "Y-yeah you're right.. people get crazy w-when they're horny." Jim admitted, knowing his own dick let Paul ruin his family photo. "I promise man, you'll be fine. Things will be back to normal in a couple days, common let's shake on it." Paul said standing up. Jim reached out for Paul's hand, but instead got his fat cock being placed in his palm. Paul smiled and nodded, Jim's heart raced feeling the same fat cock that drove his girlfriend wild. Squeezing it slightly Jim tugged it up and down like a handshake. Jim and Paul shared a laugh, and calm decended over the house.. *** Three more days had passed since Paul had drained his balls into Nancy, with time to refill them, Paul's libido had returned. Jim had washed his cum soaked sheets, although Paul's cum was strong enough that the ...
    ... smell had still remained. In fact most of the house now smelled strongly of his sperm, a smell that would soon get worse. With schoolwork finished, and some free time ahead of them, Paul and Jim had become close friends again. With no word from Nancy (Paul said she was likely embarrased for how she acted and needed time alone) It was just the boys ruling the house. Jim had calmed down about Nancy, trying to look on the bright side of things. Even if she had really left him, he still had his health, and could still depend on Paul for "entertainment" in case he needed a reason to jerk off. He understood what Paul ment by "do anything to get that nut." Even now Jim's mind had starting wondering if he would get to see Paul jerk off again. He didn't have to wait long to find out. "Neckless kiss.." Jim whispered to himself, rubbing Nancy's heart necklace across his dick, flecks of Pauls dried cum still staining it. Covering himself up as the front door opened, Paul stepped in and gave a casual wave before dropping his school workand crashing on the couch next to Jim. Once again they found themselves sitting together, awkwardly. Jim trying not to rub his hardon under the jacket he used to hide it. Paul stretched back, relaxing, unbuttoning his pants and flicking through the TV channels. "S-So I was thinkig.." Jim started, rubbing himself a little more freely. "It's been a while since you jizzed on something of mine.. Um besides Nancy I mean." Jim said, blushing slightly with his hand ...