1. My "special" employee

    Date: 4/8/2016, Categories: Fetish, Shemales, Taboo Author: 1kaboom1, Source: xHamster

    I am recently retired from a profession that has to be one of the best in the world: I was the owner and operator of a 100' charter vessel that worked in Alaska. It was a high end operation that never took more than 12 passengers, there was a crew of 15, and we would spend 7-15 days exploring some of the most beautiful areas in the world. My passengers were typically 50 years and older and wealthy. Occasionally I would get much younger people as well, and they would be m/f couples, m/m, and f/f. I traveled the waters of Alaska for over 20 years, and had many exciting and satisfying experiences. I had women who paid me handsomely to spend the night with me, husbands who paid me to take care of their wives, bi men who liked to share and be shared. I had a policy of saying yes to almost any request. I almost always enjoyed the people who I went to bed with, but mostly enjoyed the 'tips' after a night of pleasure. But one of the most erotic and sensual experiences, one that lasted for several weeks, was with a crew member. One summer I had a crew member leave the boat because of illness, and I had my office send, on very short notice, a replacement from Seattle. I always interviewed potential employees before I hired them, but this one, Lewis, was needed immediately and he flew up to join the boat in Alaska. Lewis was in his early 20's, and was slim, short...just under 5'...and was, maybe, 110 pounds. He was obviously part African-American, but was very light skinned. He had ...
    ... delicate features, and was almost too shy to work with the passengers, but I could tell that he would be a fine deck hand if put in the right position. All crew members had to sign a contract that gave me permission to conduct alcohol and d**g tests whenever I wanted, and the contract also gave me permission to search their rooms and personal belongings at any time, even if they weren't present. I didn't abuse this right to search, but because we had paying passengers and were frequently boarded by the Coast Guard of both the United States and Canada, such a contract provided me more protection if it turned out that a crew member was hiding d**gs. We had tied up in Juneau, Alaska, for three days, giving the crew some time on shore, and giving me a chance to catch up on maintenance before the next group of passengers came on board. I had started wondering if Lewis might be gay or bi, and I decided to search his room while he and other crew members were off the boat. Frankly, I always enjoyed going through closets and drawers and hampers. There was something exciting about knowing what both men and women had hidden away, or what their undies were like, and going through his room was arousing even before I found anything surprising. Initially there were just the items I would have expected him to have....until I found a small suitcase under his bunk, behind some shoes and other items. When I opened the suitcase it was like an unexpected gift at Christmas time. The box was filled ...