1. Wet Wipes - An Adult Story

    Date: 4/7/2016, Categories: Taboo Voyeur, Author: therealbk, Source: xHamster

    ... energy drink. He un-paused his game on his computer. I just sat there having another energy drink. He kept playing his role playing game online. I was pretty sure he forgot I was there two seconds after he hit a spell on some gamer. What had I gotten myself into. I was sitting in some dudes room on the ground. Drinking an energy drink. While he played some role playing game. I must be lame. I had to think of a way to get out of there. I should have brought my swim suit to go for a swim. Maybe talk him into going outside to do something. I was going to yell at my Mom when I got home. What was she thinking. The k** was younger than me. A dork. A geek. What the fuck! I tossed my empty can into the waste basket next to his computer. I got up to look over his shoulder. He was walking down a road with some other gamers online. He picked up a head set to talk to them. I wiped off my forehead. I was standing there for a few more minutes. I then had the sudden urge to use the bathroom. I really had to go to the bathroom. I moved on my feet to his left. I then walked back and forth behind him. I really hate to use a public restrooms. I really hate to use another person bathroom. I did even know him or his f****y. I was trying to think. It was not helping. Finally I blurted out. &#034Where the bathroom man? I got to go. To many energy drinks.&#034 I said. &#034Down the hall dude. Last door on the right. You can't miss it.&#034 said Brad. I just turned to walk fast out of his room. I ...
    ... looked down the hall past the stairs. I could see a few doors. I walked down the hall to the last door on the right. There was a small sign on the door. &#034Out of order!&#034 I reached down to find the door locked. Fuck! What was I going to do. I really had to go. I turned to my left and saw some more doors. I turned to look back down the hall. I ran back toward Brad bedroom. I tried every door. A closet. A office. There was a big pink bed room. It must be his s****r bed room. I finally turned around to run down the hall. I past the stairs again. I looked over the rail to the ground floor. I than ran down to the first bathroom again. I check the door. Damn I had to go. I could feel the tip of my cock get wet. I turned to run down the hall. I moved to the first door. It was locked. The next room was a spare bedroom. The next door was the stairs to the kitchen. The next door was a linen closet. I must be close to another bathroom. I then saw a door across the hall. I ran over to put my hand on the door knob. It turned. I ran in. I pushed the door closed behind me. I saw the toilet straight ahead. &#034Ahhhhhh! Young man!!! What are you doing in here???&#034 said a female voice. I had my tan shorts open. I had my cock in my hand. I saw the toilet right in front of me. I then turned to my left to see who made the loud noise in the bathroom. I almost fainted. I gripped my cock. It was an older woman in the bathtub. She was completely naked. She had long dirty blonde hair down to ...