1. In Her Eyes

    Date: 9/3/2015, Categories: Erotic Poems, Author: suzie37, Source: LushStories

    It was there in her eyes from the start, always in her eyes. That day she found me seated alone across from her in the crowded morning coffee shop. Sitting there with my coffee. A moment to rest and to breathe and transform from wife, from mom, to working woman. Idly I'd looked up to scan the crowd. The blur of skirts and suits, briefcases and purses. The flustered rush of getting to work and then, our eyes met and time stopped. I felt both weightless and pinned to my seat, my blood pulsing in my core. In her eyes a fierce gleaming softness, a fire in the darkness on a cold dark night. My mind a jumble of thoughts, faraway schedules and responsibilities, plans and concerns, till her eyes found mine and commanded me to stop, to listen. Then the slight sensuous lift of an eyebrow. The bright red lips curled into something like a smile. One leg lifted stretched and rested slowly across the other. The scent I believed I could detect from here. All urging me onto toward a single simple whispered yes. A sudden desire seized me, like waking from a dream with a start with perspiration cooling heated flesh. My skin ached to be touched. My mind eager to cast off the burden of denial, break free of the burden of fatigue from protecting my body from it's own desires. My eyes lost in hers, blinded. I felt my heart race and the promise of her touch, one long slow touch, one long deep slow caress to rend my fears, tear this cloak I keep wrapped tight, unleash the deep slow burning need within.