1. In The Beginning Chapters 5,6 & 7

    Date: 4/5/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Erotica Teen Male / Female Author: davebccanada, Source: sexstories.com

    ... her head in the negative. "I think she's outgrown us, Jackie." Jackie agrees. They enjoy supper together but then reluctantly part to go put their rooms in order. Their kiss is long and sweet. Its a quiet evening for the group unpacking and sorting what they want to put where. Now he has an address he takes time to write a letter to his sister informing her of his first impressions of the Navy. Of course many of these are incorrect but he will learn that as time goes by. He tacks his schedule by the mirror in his closet and notes next Monday it says Barracks Inspection first thing in the morning. He wonders who does that. He sets his alarm and crawls into bed early. His letter to his sister is on his desk and he can see the edge of it. It sets him to wondering how they are fairing at home and soon his mind settles on Grace. He compares her sweet innocence to Jackie's worldliness. Of course Virginia flashes through his mind and he nonchalantly strokes himself comparing all three. He is young and hormones rage in his body so he seeks relief in the time honored way of youth. Bathed in soft moonlight in a state of half-sleep Mike feels the ardor of his past partners all balled up into one perfect union. His touch and their touches become one and the same to carry him to that penultimate place where release is possible. His ejaculate pools on his belly as he drifts off to sleep. Mike misses Jackie at breakfast time but dines with Jack and Bev along with another couple he hasn't ...
    ... become familiar with yet. Couples have a tendency to relate to other couples and seldom include singles in their mix. Jackie is waiting to greet him in the classroom and share intimate touches before facing the day. The instructor comes in to do roll call and notes they have added four new people. Mike notices that there is still no sign of the two he gave the passes to. The women are sent to stores to be outfitted with uniforms while the men are sent for haircuts. Its a traumatic day for them as springy locks fall to the floor and the newly shorn heads appear. Joking and kidding does not suffice for some who quickly leave with a tear on their cheek. After lunch it is men to supply and the ladies report for preventative medicine. By doing the ladies first that gives them the opportunity to tease the guys about the 'Square Needle'. The square needle is legendary in military annals. It is supposed to streamline the many inoculations required by supplying four serums at one time with a four headed needle leaving an exact square pattern in the skin afterwards. Many a stout hearted recruit has faced the inoculations with acute trepidation. By the end of the day everyone has uniforms with instructions on their proper use and decent haircuts. They are beginning to look much more like service personnel. At supper Mike hears a rumor that the couple he gave passes are in the MPs lockup at the base. He enquires but no one will confirm or deny it. Wednesday they start with a period of ...