1. In The Beginning Chapters 5,6 & 7

    Date: 4/5/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Erotica Teen Male / Female Author: davebccanada, Source: sexstories.com

    ... sock!" He quickly bends to lick the inside of her instep. She explodes into action crying, "Ha, I got your sack! I bet you didn't see that coming." She laughs and holds on. "Whoa! Take it easy, woman. Do you want to cripple me?" She releases him so she can grip his belt buckle and slide it open but Mike crushes her in his arms again and they fall onto the bed as one. She can feel his hard penis pushing against her pelvis and she pulls her belly up to feel it slide between her thighs. Even with their clothes between them it thrills her to feel him there. She tries to bend down so she can align her lips with his cock but there is simply not enough room and he holds her close still. He knows what she is seeking so he does his best to oblige. He grips her waist and turns her so he can fit his head between her thighs. Slipping fingers under her panties he feels the slippery sodden wetness of her and smiles. She is frantically unzipping his jeans and pushing them over his solid strong ass. She can't wait any more and tries to push his shorts aside but they are caught on his throbbing erection. She pulls them and scratches at them until Mike lifts his hip and she can pull them down with a total finality. She catches his bobbing cock between her lips and sucks it contentedly for just a moment then lets it slide out of her mouth to kiss and lick it. The head bobs up and down with her licks and she grins. Mike has slipped her panties completely free and taken her other shoe and sock ...
    ... with it. He settles to taste her musky sweetness licking first one lip and then the other. His tongue explores her outer and then her inner lips. Only then does he allow his tongue to push in deeper to make her whimper in excitement. When she feels him do that with his tongue she sucks on his erection harder. Then she gets smart and eases off to tickle his balls with finger nails as she slides her tongue down the underside of his rod. She purses her lips and gently sucks on the flesh under his head then whips her tongue around the head itself. then she pumps her head over and over sucking and blowing with energetic force. But Mike is concentrating on making her cum so he slips a finger into her pussy as he licks her clit. He pushes it in and out of her then adds a second finger. He licks and gently starts to suck on her clit in its hood. He can feel the tiny rough spot just inside the front of her opening and so he starts to beckon with the two finger rubbing them lightly over the spot each time. She can feel her head getting light and her body feels separated from her. Up her back the hair stands on end. She knows he is pushing her so damn close and she wants it, she wants it so damn bad now! For a moment all is clear and she pushes away the bright lights. She thinks, 'I will make you cum first if it kills me.' She subtly wiggles like she knows she does when she orgasms. She works her hand up and down his shaft in abandon. Although perilously close to getting his he remains ...