1. In The Beginning Chapters 5,6 & 7

    Date: 4/5/2016, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Erotica Teen Male / Female Author: davebccanada, Source: sexstories.com

    ... the door. "Yeah, there is. I can see it now." She goes on, "There's gold writing on them." She pulls one out and reads, "HMCS Cornwallis" "Give it here." He puts it around the rim of the flat white cap and asks, "How does that look." He puts it on. "Wow, that looks good. I knew you'd be handsome in a uniform." He cocks the cap a bit more to one side and she shakes her head. "Let me try it on." She fits it on straight then says, "I have to see it. I'm going to the bathroom." She dashes off and Mike follows. He finds her posing and trying it at differing angles in front of the mirrors over the sinks. "What are these black tails for? "Those are the ties so you don't lose it at sea. They also serve as ear muffs. It gets cold out on the ocean." "I saw a few of these at the mess hall the other day but without the black band I didn't know what they were in that box." She poses. "I think I look fashionable." Mike just rolls his eyes at her and she sticks her tongue out at him. She asks, "Should we give one to each recruit, do you think?" "Oh, I don't know. I think we better let them issue them next week." "Can't I keep this one? I'm a sailor now." Mike shrugs. He's caught in the middle. He doesn't think she should but he hates to disappoint her. Bev and Jack come in and Bev exclaims, "Where did you get that hat? I simply love it. Can I get one?" Mike tries to say she will be issued one this week but Jackie is saying they are under the front stairs. The first thing he knows is they ...
    ... are both gone to the front door area and the box. He sees Jack fitting the tally on a hat for her and Jackie pulling another one out of the box. "This one doesn't fit. Is there a bigger one?" "Try this one" Another recruit comes in the front door and wants to know what is going on. She tries a cap on and Bev runs off to the bathroom to see how hers looks. Jackie is fitting the new one so Mike gives up and goes to his room. He has a bad feeling about these hats. He hears a general hubbub in the hall so he goes to the door. Jackie meets him and is quite excited, "Isn't that something? Everyone likes the new hats. You better get one before we are all out of your size. I got you one I think will fit you." Mike doesn't know what to say so he thanks her and tries it on. Its a good fit so he shrugs and says, "I'm not too sure we should have allowed them to have the hats, love." "Why not, we are all sailors now and they are sailor's hats." "Mike smiles resignedly, "I suppose, love." She follows him as he goes into the bathroom to watch the parade of characters admiring themselves in the mirrors. He just shakes his head without comment. It doesn't really sink in what he has allowed until he spots one of the recruits wearing a white cap to the mess hall for supper. He cringes and feels his heart sinking in his chest. Now he knows how Pandora felt when she opened the box and its not comfortable. As they leave the hall every individual wearing a white cap gives him the willies even though ...