1. OffWorld Slave Girl - Chapter 4

    Date: 9/2/2015, Categories: Fantasy & Sci-Fi, Author: Reddead2010, Source: LushStories

    ... Thankfully I was finally going to get to talk business with her, and this was certainly a fun way to conduct business. I told Helena to push her big tits together for me; I loved watching them undulate back and forth beneath me as I fucked her. They looked incredible for a thirty-seven year old woman, still sitting proud and upright, still feeling quite firm. They had hardly sagged at all. I asked her about that, she said her master had paid to have them ‘re-firmed’. I had heard of this before. It was a procedure where woman had a number of special injections over a period of a few weeks. The injections were not some artificial substance however, but specially concocted bacteria, which rejuvenated the breast flesh, making it appear and feel younger. It was very expensive, but I guess Norton could certainly afford it. I told her they looked fantastic, she was a lucky girl to have a master rich enough and willing to pay for such a procedure. I had assumed Norton had had Helena’s tits re-firmed for his own enjoyment, but apparently I was wrong. Helena told me Norton’s eldest wife had at that time asked him for the procedure, and that Norton had sent Helena to have it done first, as a guinea pig for his wife. Helena had had to take numerous trips to one of the big cities to have these procedures done. Once completed, Norton’s eldest wife had inspected Helena’s tits very closely, judging the procedure to be a success, and Norton then sent his wife to have the same treatment. She ...
    ... told me all of this as I slowly fucked her, quietly moaning from time to time. I liked fucking her like this, taking my time, enjoying the moment. With a girlfriend I would have to worry that she would be bored, not getting to the point and making her or myself come. The beauty of taking a pleasure slave to your bed was I didn't have to worry about any of that. She was there for my pleasure, and I could fuck her however I wanted. “Have you had many masters?” I asked. “Yes sir, six in all,” she replied. “Is that a lot?” “I think it’s about average for a woman of my age sir,” she explained, “I'm thirty-seven years old, in case you were wondering. I hope you don't mind being with an older woman.” “I love it,” I told her, grinning, “I knew your age already though. But you're not old at all. You're just perfect.” She smiled, leaning up to kiss me. “Thank you sir,” she purred. I explained to her I knew men from this planet seemed to prize the younger girls, but I was not originally from here, and loved women of all ages. She went on to tell me she had been bought at auction when she was eighteen by her first master. He had bought three other girls at the same time. He had impregnated all four girls, as his wife could not bear children. All four girls gave birth to children, Helena having Melora. But it became apparent her master wanted a boy. Two of the other girls had had boys. They were brought up as her master’s sons, with permission from the pleasure slave mothers. But no such ...