Jonesing for some family fun: Liza's Story Part 1 Ft. Tay the Nympho
Date: 4/1/2016,
Boys/Teen Female,
Girls / Female,
Group Sex
Male / Female Teens,
Male / Older Female,
Author: B. Dirty
All characters are based on real people.... I am Tom in the story, Tay was really my girlfriend in high school and lizabeth was her best friend. There were rumors about this family being involved in some "extracurricular" activities. Im sure nothing of this scale took place, but I wish it had!!!! The descriptions of the girls however, are accurate almost to a T... These two oversexed best friends loved exploring each other's bodies all throughout high school.... My family, could never have been mistaken as "normal", The sheer size of it, along with my parents lifestyle choices (Woodstock survivng, Ecstacy fueled hornballs) coupled with our twisted family tradition of celebrating each child's 18th birthday with a massive family orgy, means there is no family quite like mine.... However, I inherited the family libido and open view on sexuality so I am (now) more than happy to be involved in our dirty little past time. However, I wasn't always so open. The night of my 18th birthday I was terrified, So scared in fact, that I recruited my best friend for moral support without realizing that my father and brothers would have two sweet little 18 year old pussies to pound instead of just mine. My name is Eliza... and I knew our family had a weird tradition for each child's 18th birthday... But like the rest of the kids before me, I was kept in the dark until my birthday night when daddy decided it was time to turn my sweet little snatch out. The people involved were as follows.... ...
... My father and mother, both in their late forties but absolutely stunning for their age. The oldest child, My sister Shawn Who was in her late 20's, who looked like a young, sexy clone of my milf of a mother. My three older brothers, in order from oldest to youngest: Phil, A true giant of a man, standing 6'5 and weighing in at about 250 pounds.... all solid, rippling muscle from 3 years of him doing roofing.... I had fantasized about his huge cock from a young age when I saw him step out of the shower naked. Next in line was Al.... Slightly smaller than Phil, standing about 6 foot and weighing about 200 pounds. He was the black sheep of the family because of an accident he had when driving drunk in high school in which his best friend had died. He was dark, troubled, and brooding. Drunk more often than not in an attempt to silence his inner demons, He had some major anger issues. I learned the hard way how he liked to vent his frustration, Relentlessly pounding pussy until his girlfriends couldnt walk for days afterwards. Last but not least it was my brother Sam. The smallest and nicest of my brothers. He was only about 5'10 and maybe 175 pounds, But what he lacked in stature he more than made up for in the dick department, somehow besting all of the other men in the Jones household (even daddy!) He measured a massive 12 inches (literally, no exaggeration) and had the girth of a toddler's forearm! Sam and I were always close because he was only a year older than me.... Growing ...