1. The Delight Of Riding Together

    Date: 9/2/2015, Categories: Straight Sex, Author: romeo64, Source: LushStories

    On a Tuesday morning in September, I drove to the horse farm at which I had subscribed a few weeks earlier. The one where Caroline and Patricia every now and then took a horse out in the weekends. Having bought new riding gear, I had taken a few lessons on the grounds of the riding school to dust off my skills and dressage technique. It was a nice, sunny day with an above average temperature for the time of the year. It seemed that the country might enjoy an Indian summer, which here, to the letter translated, is known as an ‘old women’s summer.’ The concert season had meanwhile started and Helen was in England. Her curriculum under Caroline’s guidance had been a success. After a trip Helen and I had made to the south of France, the ladies had repeated their lovemaking in the forest in broad daylight, and Caroline had taken awesome pictures. Once they went to a cinema in daring clothes with nothing underneath, having more interest in each other than in the film. They visited terraces in similar outfits, flashing their candy every now and then. Caroline had suggested that Helen would disguise herself with a wig and big sunglasses. On a cloudy Saturday in the second half of August they went shopping in raincoats only, and let them fall open every now and then, looking into the windows of shops. Helen had found the experience extremely exciting and called it an enrichment of her sex-life. When I took the lessons at the riding school, I had hoped to see Patricia again, but ...
    ... unfortunately that hadn’t happened. To my pleasure, this day I would, which had brought me in an excited and expectant mood. So far I had only been riding on Saturdays, but a call from Caroline had made me change my agenda. “Do you think you’re ready to ride outside?” she had asked. “Patricia has proposed that you might join her next Tuesday, if you can make it. She invited me too, but I have appointments that I cannot cancel or shift.” “Very nice. Why Tuesday?” “That is the quietest day. Hardly anyone rides there on a Tuesday. That’s why the owner and his wife take their weekly day off then. Next Tuesday they will not even be there, but they have entrusted Patricia a spare set of keys.” That was intriguing. Patricia had chosen a day on which we had the place for ourselves, without snoopers, so to speak. It was even thrilling. Caroline had told me earlier that the girl was twenty-six and single. She had studied medicine in Amsterdam and was already a qualified doctor. Now she was specializing to become a gynecologist. As far as her sexual orientation and appetite were concerned, as well as the inclination to expose herself, she was cast in the same mold as she herself (Caroline’s words). The gate at the entrance of the drive to the farm was open when I arrived at around half past ten, and in the courtyard a cute Mini Cooper was parked. When I found her in one of the stables, where she was grooming her horse, my jaw dropped. I had been prepared to a certain extent as to what I might ...