1. wife's office Christmas party

    Date: 9/2/2015, Categories: Fetish, Group Sex Hardcore Author: woreout, Source: xHamster

    My wife work's for a big company and vey year they have a Christmas party. It's a formal get together where profit sharing statements are handed out and everyone gets to dress up nice. And every year my wife leaves with a little more than her profit statement. So far each year she has been able to have her pussy serviced at least once during the party. Last year it was twice and she hopping this year will be a repete. Lasy year she bought a dress just for the party. It was a red formal off the sholder number. It was long but she had it shortened to just above the knee. She wore black lace top stockings , a black garter belt and a black half cup bra under it. The bra was strapless and left her nipples uncovered. With the dress on she looked just stunning. A pair or four inch black hills and we where out the door headed to the party. On the ride there she told me to not hover around her tonight, that she had planes on getting some action with a co worker. I asked who but she wouldn't say. When we got there a valet met us at the door. I was out and around on the passanger side as he held the door for my wife to get out. She did so with total grace, even with the dress being that short she was able to exit our car without showing any of her sexy under things. Women I've found out will only allow you to see what they want you to see. I took her arm and we entered the party. We where met my a young lady and given name tags. They had both our first and last names on them. As we ...
    ... entered the room where the music was playing I noticed most everyone was either dancing to the live band or chatting in small groups. There was an open bar and my wife told me to go get something to drink. I asked what she wanted ? She said I want you to go to the bar and stay there. Oh , OK I said. I made my way to the bar and got a drink, as soon as I had it I turned my back to the bar to have a look at all the well dressed folks there. What I noticed was I didn't see my wife. Now where could she have gotten off to that quick I wondered. I had a couple of drinks while at the bar and then I saw an open table near the dance floor. I hurried over and sat down. There where four chairs at each table and I figured that soon I'd be sharing it with another couple. When the song ended the band took a break. Soon a middle aged couple came up and asked if they ould set at my table. I said sure have a seat. They asked me if I worked for the company? I said no that my wife did. They glanced around and asked where she was? I made up a story about her stepping outside to use the phone. We sat there for at least thirty minutes. The lady asked if I thought everything was OK that my wife had been gone for a long time. I said I'm sure my wife is just fine and that if anything where wrong she would come get me. Another twenty minutes pasted and I could tell that they where starting to wonder if I was telling them a story. The lady kept saying I should go check on my wife. I didn't want to tell her ...