1. One Thousand Apologies - Part 4

    Date: 3/27/2016, Categories: True Story Black, Blowjob Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Erotica Incest Male/Teen Female Masturbation Oral Sex Romance School Young Author: Joe Long

    ... beat up on myself for making mistakes. Bowling is a lot about muscle memory, remembering that same stride, same arm swing, same release, to put the ball on the mark every time. On more than one occasion I had broken the paper towel dispenser in the men’s room after events such as dropping the ball on an easy spare. This time I was punching the plastic cover of the dispenser for any entirely different reason. I shouted out loud at myself “What the FUCK are you doing? You already HAVE a girlfriend!” After the outburst, I did my best to present a normal outward appearance as I headed back before it would be my turn again. The turmoil was still going on inside, as I reviewed the situation in my head. Wow. Katie was great. And I didn’t freeze up. Because I wasn’t trying to hit on her, because I had a girlfriend - but since I was comfortable talking to her, it would be easier to ask her out. Except I already had a girlfriend. Except I couldn’t say that, because Mom didn’t know. Except maybe Mom did know. Shit. Was Mom bringing in competition, to make me forget about Hannah? But I loved Hannah, and I could never dump her, it would break her heart. Except I can’t tell Mom that. So this little game. Fuck me. Between the rust and the mental distraction, I only scored a 135 in the first game. So then I was pissed about my bowling, which was normal, but that helped to distract me away from Katie. Unless one of us quit the league, we were going to be together on Saturday night for the ...
    ... next thirty weeks. I didn’t want to make it look like I was ignoring her, so I maintained brief greetings between concentrating on my bowling and running over to the TV to check on the Pirates game. My body was getting back into a consistent rhythm, and four consecutive strikes led me to a 183 in the second game. At that point I was doing a pretty good job of treating Katie as just another member of the team, but I still missed a spare in the tenth and settled for a 172 in the final game. The 490 series for the three games fell short of the 500 I expected from myself as a minimum, but I had finished strongly. Wrapping up for the night, I told Katie “Nice meeting you, see you next week” but had no intentions of anything more than casual conversation. Mom used to take me to church when I was little, but it had been about six years since I had lost interest, so since then Sunday mornings were a time to sleep in. Once up I showered and then looked for a nice set of clothes, although I wasn’t sure who I was trying to impress, I was just going to Hannah’s to watch the Steelers game. Maybe it was just the anticipation that had me in a good mood – which reminded to check my wallet to see that the condom was still tucked away inside (along with more out in the glove box.) It was almost noon when I called out, “Bye Mom, I’m going to Aunt Tess’s.” She called back, “Be good, don’t eat too much!” Mom was a great cook, but Tess was into making big impressive presentations. That day was her ...