1. One Thousand Apologies - Part 4

    Date: 3/27/2016, Categories: True Story Black, Blowjob Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Erotica Incest Male/Teen Female Masturbation Oral Sex Romance School Young Author: Joe Long

    ... maybe you can help – I’m trying to avoid the parents seeing just me and Hannah together too much, so maybe sometimes you could take her places and I can meet up, or the four of us can hang together?” “You trying to crowd my party already?” Crap, I had to reassure him. “No man – I’m sure, with your own car, you can find plenty of alone time with Miss Susie…” “Got to second base last night…” I continued, “There you go! But she might also like hanging out in larger groups or a double date sometimes, so she’s not always stuck with just your ugly face!” “Yeah, OK, that might work - I’ll ask her.” About an hour later there were games for the little kids as most of the adults lounged, likely too full to stand comfortably. I was on my way to get a drink when Hannah approached pushing a baby in a stroller. I chuckled and asked “I didn’t know you had a baby! Who’s the proud papa?” She stuck out her tongue and corrected me, “No, this is Lisa’s baby, I volunteered to take her for a walk. Want to come?” “Yeah, sure thing.” I filled her in on my conversations with Grandpa and some of our aunts and uncles as we slowly made our way down the paved trail, past other pavilions and the playground. When we got to the band shell at the far end, Hannah stopped pushing the buggy, then turned to face me and with a hand on her hip said, “Joe, what do you think of me?” Where the fuck did that come from? I was confused, I went blank. My mind raced to try to decide the correct answer. But where? What ...
    ... did she want to know? Where was this headed? What if I gave the wrong answer? Is this the end? I pushed back against the panic as I felt my chest tightening, but failed to compose a coherent answer. “What do you mean?” “ What? We’re having sex and you don’t know what you think of me?” I could feel myself slipping under the surface, failing to grab a rescuing hand. “No! No. That’s not what I meant. It’s, it’s…just so broad of a question, I’ve got a million things in my head and I don’t know which one to say. What do want…not what you want me to say…what question are you trying to answer?” I prayed that made sense, as I had stumbled over the words so badly. “OK, I’m sorry. Let me try again.” She took a deep breath, composed her thoughts, and continued. “Joe, I love you, I really do – but it’s going to be hard as hell to make this work. Before I throw all my effort into it, I want to make sure of what ‘this’ is, to be sure it’s worth it.” Still scared, I felt a tear as I replied, “I love you too - from the beginning.” Hannah was still staring right at me as she continued, “So tell me, the first time you saw me, what did you think?” I thought that I was not a good liar. “The truth?” “Yes, the truth!” I figured it was best just to tell her. “I ran up to my room and jacked off.” She sounded too sarcastic when she shot back, “So this is all about sex?” My hole was getting deeper, I needed to get my thoughts together. “No! Well…it was then, but…I just couldn’t believe how incredibly ...