One Thousand Apologies - Part 4
Date: 3/27/2016,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Cum Swallowing
Male/Teen Female
Oral Sex
Author: Joe Long
... been touching myself.” I laughed and said, “Ha - welcome to the club!” Un a mocking tone she repkied, “Oh my, Joseph Long – don’t you go blind on me!” “Well, if you see me wearing dark sun glasses!” Hannah laughed hard. “You crack me up! But seriously, we need to fix this!” More seriously, I replied, “I can’t make lunch on Friday, I have a meeting with my counselor.” Hannah paused, then asked, “Can you give me a ride home after school?” “Oh, sure thing! My last class is out at 2:50, can you meet me at the picnic area?” “I wouldn’t miss it!” Friday at noon I was in Dr. Wilson’s office to talk about my future as a math major. It was only the first week, but he wanted to impress on me the importance of getting my grades up. He was a slightly older man, plump and grey, and was head of the Math Department. His daughter was part of my freshman class, and shared many of his same features, blonde, round but cute, quiet and shy. I shared my doubts on whether I was in the correct major. I loved analysis, and that required math, but in my opinion I only needed to know how to use a math technique, not be able to prove why it works. Same thing with the computers, more applied and less theory and design. I saw myself more as a manager and analyzer of data, not the guy who was going to code some new disk operating system. *** Leaving the building after last class, I saw Hannah sitting at the table in the trees, her books in a pile beside her. I jogged over as best I could with the ...
... collection of books I was balancing on my arm. Once my books were deposited on the table next to hers, we embraced and kissed hard. She was small and light enough that I spun her around me a full circle before we broke the kiss. I seemed so long since I had held her. “It’s only been two days and I missed you so much!” She looked down at my crotch and said, “And it’s been even longer since I’ve seen your little buddy!” As we picked up our books and started to walk to the lot, I replied, “Patience, my dear!” Hannah put on her best little kid whiny voice to say, “I don’t like to wait, I want it now!” Oh, I started laughing out loud. “Uh, not here - just a little too public!” I took her hand as we finished walking to the car. Wanting to continue as I pulled out of the lot, I asked, “So how was school?” Hannah just launched into a rant. “Excuse my language, but this little bitch Sandy! She was accusing me of trying to steal her boyfriend because we were talking in the hall after lunch!” She squeezed my thigh as she finished, “She can only wish she had what I have!” I moved the conversation to my day. “I was talking to my counselor, Dr. Wilson, about what courses to take the last three semesters. He’s going to see what he can come up with, within the requirements, that’s closer to what I’m interested in, and can do well in.” As we got closer to her neighborhood, Hannah gave me a concerned look and said “I don’t want to go home yet. Can we stop somewhere?” “Yeah, there’s the dirt road were ...