Mum and Her Nakedness
Date: 3/26/2016,
True Story
Male / Older Female,
Author: Unknow user
From as far back as I can remember my Mum never had a problem walking around the house naked, especially in the mornings or right before bed, but occasionally she would spend the day with just a pair of panties on or just a bra. She also wore a particular t-shirt that used to drive me wild with naughty thoughts. It was quite an old white t-shirt, she customised it by cutting away the neckline and cutting off the sleeves, she used to wear it to bed. To this day I have no idea why she did that but whenever she wore it her boobs would bounce around underneath the soft cloth, she cut a V neck into it which was far too low and the length of it barely covered her belly button. On the days she wore this t-shirt I remember always paying her more attention than normal! When she took her baths she never closed the door, as I got older I would always walk in and sit on the stool next to the bath and chat to her, she lay there with her large boobs sagging either side of her chest, her dark brown nipples (she was indian) always looked hard and her pussy mound was always kept short and stubbly but never bare and smooth. To this day it is how I prefer a pussy to look like. I was often asked to soap her back and would always use it as an opportunity to touch her all over, I always joked that when I had finished her back it was time to do her front, and every single time she would move her arms out of the way to allow me to do it. I think the last time I had my hands all over her naked body I ...
... must have been 26 or 27. Needless to say whenever one of these incidents would happen, which were quite often once I hit college, I would run up to my room and masturbate myself, I would always have the most intense orgasm. The feelings I got from those orgasms never lessened, in fact they grew stronger as each year went on. There were a number of standout moments throughout the years, where we took things a bit further than we normally would, I will talk about two of those times that are still so vivid in my mind. The first happened on my 19th birthday, it was a few days beforehand and my Mum asked me what I wanted as a present. She never had much money and I didn't really want anything anyway, so I thought about it and told her that I only want one thing from her. She said if she could she would get it for me. I asked her to wear her special t-shirt and nothing else, she knew which one I meant because I always commented on it. I asked if she could wake me up in the morning wearing it, that she should spend the day in just that, cook in it and do other things in it like hovering and dusting. My birthday happened to be on a Saturday that year and I knew that was house cleaning day. She smiled, told me I was naughty and said she will think about it. She never mentioned it between then and my actual birthday so I thought it probably wasn't going to happen. The morning of my 19th I heard my Mum walk past my bedroom door and go straight downstairs so I figured there was no way I ...