To the Victor Go the Spoils. Pt: 6
Date: 3/22/2016, Categories: Fiction Authoritarian, BDSM Domination/submission Male Domination, Romance Sado-Masochism, Slavery, Stockholm Syndrome, Author: masterKDean2014
... ass. The pain was too much for a few seconds, but as quickly as it came, it went away. She swore she could feel every vein in his cock pulsating. David began sliding in and out of her. Sara was soon moaning and pushing against him. He reached underneath her and rubbed her clit. She came in seconds. He could feel her muscles contracting in her cunt. David allowed himself his own release. "Yes," Sara sighed as she felt his warm cum fill her ass. She could feel each twitch of his cock as he came. The next morning Sara awoke early. She was startled to see that David was not in bed with her. She looked around the room and did not see him. Then she noticed the letter on the night stand. The keys to the truck were lying on top of it. She carefully picked up the letter and flicked on the light next to the bed. Dear Sara, I wish I could have thought of a better way to do this. I've been thinking a lot about us lately. I care about you more than you probably know. I want you to decide if you want to stay with me. As of this moment, you are free. I unhooked the trailer, so you can take the truck. There is a black duffel bag on the floor next to the bed. It has three thousand dollars in it that you can have and your personal records. I will not look for you. Of course, you also have the option of calling the police. I will return at 10 am. You should understand that if you are still there, then you will remain mine. The terms of our relationship will be the same as before. I don't ...
... think I could bring myself to give you the chance to leave again. Love, David Sara stared at the letter for a long time. She reread it several times trying to understand what he was telling her. She finally forced herself to look at the clock, it was only eight thirty. She sighed and wondered if he meant what he said. She again noticed the truck keys sitting on the nightstand and the black duffel bag. She reached down and opened it. It was packed with some of her clothes and money stuffed in an envelope. She put the bag down and went to the window. As he promised, the trailer had been moved away from the truck. She could not see anyone from the window. She returned and sat down on the edge of the bed. Perceus jumped on the bed. He stared at her questioningly. Sara reached over and stroked him. Her mind was jumping from one thought to another. At one moment she hated him for making her do this. She told herself that it was Stockholm syndrome, but she still did not move from the bed. She looked at the clock and it was already nine o'clock. She rubbed her forehead. She thought about what she would do if she left, where she would go. She did not know the answer to either question. She believed that he would not look for her. He prided himself on always keeping his word. If he had not told her that, she might have left, but then she would have always secretly hoped he would find her. She knew at that moment that she could not leave. The thought of being alone again with her secret ...