1. Number

    Date: 9/1/2015, Categories: Hardcore Author: 337lee, Source: xHamster

    ... fingers slide up her leg, over her stocking top and once again touch her pussy. She twitches and giggles and then hits me playfully. &#034Stop it.&#034 she warns. &#034Why?&#034 I ask doing it again. She twitches again with her whole body. &#034Oh stop it.&#034 she repeats with just a touch of pleading in her tone. I take pity and remove my hand, kissing her again. She rolls onto her back and hits me on the chest with the back of her hand. &#034Okay. Get out of my bed.&#034 she orders. She means it too. She has had her fun and now she wants to sl**p. I pull my jeans back up and roll off the bed. &#034Good luck getting that zip down on your own.&#034 I say kissing her nose and leaving the room quickly. I just overhear her saying &#034Twat!&#034 as I run down the stairs. I probably deserved it.