1. whos in charge??

    Date: 9/1/2015, Categories: Hardcore Taboo Voyeur, Author: fitzy40, Source: xHamster

    Sheryl looked up from her desk at Simon with contempt, she didn't like him he was arrogant and overbearing always thought he knew better than her she was constantly having to remind him who was in charge he was constantly going over her head to the next level of management, but she had him today he had made a mistake in his paper work 2 weeks ago and it had cost the company a lot of money so it was the end of the day and she was going to give him a humiliating dressing down and then go home in a good mood and spend the night with her boyfriend. She sat in her chair and smirked up at Simon not offering him a seat preferring to let him stand just to remind him who had the whip hand, "well you really fucked up this time" she said with venom she felt perversely turned on using bad language in the office it wasn't her usual style at all always miss correct professional at all times " yes you really fucked it right up" she added with relish enjoying the look of surprise on his face. "er fucked what up" he asked with an infuriating smile on his face "the sale to evens b*****rs ltd" she said "you havnt charged anywhere near enough for it and the top floor is looking for bl**d for this" she was really enjoying her self now "your bl**d in fact, the boss is even talking about a written warning or ....." she paused dragging out the moment "maybe even dismissal" god that felt good she thought to herself that's wiped the smile off his arrogant face "getting the sack for one mistake" he ...
    ... said calmly "that's a bit over the top isn't it especially considering the amount of business ive brought in, the sales have doubled since I arrived, Ive dragged this department up by its bootstraps" he paused for a moment in thought then said "you are enjoying this arnt you Sheryl ? " " no im not it throws a bad light on my whole department" she said a bit surprised that he knew "Its not my fault that you rushed through that job and made a complete mess of it perhaps if you wernt quite so fucking (that word again it gave her such a thrill) arrogant all the time and asked for help when you needed it you wouldn't be in this predicament now" she smiled at him maliciously " besides im sure somebody of your gifts will soon find another job" she added sarcastically "what a horrible boss you are Sheryl " he said his anger showing a bit " I bet you never even tried to defend me I bet you just threw me to the wolves" "if you wernt such a fucking arrogant cunt I might have looked after you" she said feeling a bit breathless god am I gonna fuck Steve when I get in she thought just as soon as I get this pig out of my office Im going home and fucking his brains out " so thats it then Im getting the push for Christmas after all the work ive done for you Sheryl " said simon angrily " yes" she said "Im going to do my best to see the back of you" god that felt good she thought "you have been a fuckin nightmare to work with for 6 months strutting about like you own the fucking place giving ...