1. How Laura's Tits Got Us Home

    Date: 9/1/2015, Categories: Sex Humor, Voyeur, Author: tonyc1980, Source: xHamster

    The following is a true story. The names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent. There's a phrase people use to describe the bodies of hot, young Jewish girls who have massive chests: Jew-Boobs. This expression wasn't around when I was in college. But looking back now, a girl I once dated named Laura had the ultimate Jew-Boobs. Petite, small-waisted, well-spoken, and well-mannered, Laura was the epitome of the nice Jewish girl stereotype. She was academic. She acted in all the plays. She preferred &#034show tunes&#034 to rock music -- something we sparred over since I found the &#034theater crap&#034 crap she played on cassette in her car totally ridiculous. But there was one twist to Laura. She had a chest so big she had to wear specially made underwire bras to keep her massive boobage secured. Otherwise, they'd bounce and flop and create mayhem like the campus had never seen. As I said, Jew-Boobs. I was among the first (and perhaps only) guy in college to see these natural wonders. How did I pull this off? Probably because I was the one guy not to show any interest in Laura. When we met, I was editor of my college paper and dating a hot high school senior. Laura was one of my writers. Since I had a girlfriend, I didn't make a play for her like other guys did. So we developed a flirtatious friendship like Sam-and-Diane from TV's &#034Cheers.&#034 Besides our suggestive bantering, nothing happened. Nothing happened, that is, until my girlfriend and I split up. By ...
    ... then the sexual tension between Laura and I had intensified so much that one night as we were talking in the newspaper office she blurted out &#034Are you ever gonna kiss me?!&#034 Within a week she was in my dorm room lying on my fold-out bed. I went to remove her shirt. Easy enough. So I went to remove her...wait, what the hell was THAT? It looked like some sort of girdle or medieval torture device. She explained to me that was a custom-made bra, and she needed it because... &#034AAAARRRRRRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.&#034 That was me when she pulled out her freakishly, massive, deliciously ripe, sculpted-from-God melons. For the record, I didn't actually yell. But I thought about it. On the inside. For the next few months, I got to spend time with the most bodacious pair of breasts this side of September Carrino (look them up -- hehe). My lord, were those boobs awesome. I used to dream about them. Cuddle with them. Kiss them. Talk to them. I became &#034the tit whisperer.&#034 Unfortunately that's almost all I did, because Laura was a virgin and not willing to go much further. As I said earlier, &#034nice Jewish girl&#034 applied here. For better or worse. But little did I know, she had a wild side that was ready to emerge. We just needed the right situation. At the end of spring semester, we spent almost a week in the vacation town of Ocean City, Maryland. It was lots of fun, even if she insisted on wearing an old lady's-styled one-piece bathing suit. Her motto seemed to be: ...