1. Marine Brats 4 (edit)

    Date: 3/16/2016, Categories: Dark Fantasy Boys/Teen Female, Consensual Sex Female/Female First Time Incest Male/Teen Female Virginity Young Author: ireppihc

    ... her aid. the rest of the day at school was uneventful....no it was outright boring. Stuff like polar covalent bonds...ugggh. I rather be castrated with a rusty butter knife! I had just hopped off the bus at the end of the street when I got another text, this time from Brittney. "Steve are u there???" "Sure am...wazzup beautiful." "HELP...creeper from school trying to follow me home...at 6th and the parkway now" Brittney usually walked to and from school. The local public school she attended was just a couple blocks away. I immediately took off in her direction. "prob sophomore age grn AE hoodie...he tries to flirt w me...I thk he is trying 2C where I live." "When u c me walk past, act like u don’t know me." Moments later I saw Brittney, and she saw me. I passed her down her right side instead of the right side of the side walk. When I approached the creeper I did the same. I made a sudden right as I got next to him and slammed him between me and the brick wall of a building. Before he could comprehend what hit him, I had him held off the ground by his throat. "Why the fuck are you following her!" I spewed in his face. "I I I..." He squeaked out gasping for air. Brittney had returned to my side to hear what he had to say. "She told me you try to hit on her, and now your stalking her! Listen carefully...I am her boyfriend, so you can stop your flirting and stalking...or you won't be able to walk and talk...understand me." I dropped him before he passed out, he collapsed to the ...
    ... pavement struggling for air. "Cough...Yes I understand...cough...but that is not why I was following her...cough...she's in trouble..." Brittney looked stunned. "What do you mean trouble?" I asked. "Heard some jocks in the locker room after PE...They were taking bets who would be the first to get laid. One mentioned Brittney by name...he said he was going to get her whether she wanted it or not!" "Who were they?" "I don't know they were a couple rows of lockers over, they didn't notice me there. Most people don't notice me. I have always liked Brittney, she has always been nice to me unlike everyone else at school. I know I don't have a snowball's chance in hell of going out with her. But that doesn't mean I want to see her hurt. I'm sorry if I scared you." He apologetically said looking at Brittney. Brittney stepped up to him and put her hand out to help him up. He cautiously accepted watching for my reaction. "I live at the end of your street, you live down in the cul-de-sac. I usually ride the bus, but I walked today to keep an eye on you." He explained. "I'm so sorry! I thought you were a perv or something when I texted Steve." "It's all good guys, at least you have someone to call for help. I'm the school nerd, I get beat up all the time, what could I have done against muscle bound jocks?" Brittney replied. "I don't know, but I am sure you would have tried, and that's what matters." She gave him a hug and a peck on the cheek. "Yeah I'm sorry about that too. I just got a ...