1. In lakes, the turquoise eyes

    Date: 8/31/2015, Categories: Anal Mature Taboo Author: Asseather, Source: xHamster

    ... Mom ?! Yes, you ... you ... you bastard! .. Gad! - The words were torn from his chest burning Sasha, but could not escape. He grabbed the air mouth open, but the hurt and the tears from his eyes bryznuvshie, prevented him from speaking. He was wedged in the corner of the bathroom with a whip dangling hands and wept at the insult bastard Kolya, and his boyish impotence. For that year, Sasha lived alone with his grandmother Vera. Sasha was tormented by resentment at her mother, who lived around here, close by, in the vast hive, but far from it. &#034That's right, be patient&#034 - breaking off Sasha's mom questions during her rare visits to my grandmother's house. At night, lying in his bed, Sasha tried to remember my mother's face, and felt that the image of her uncontrollably escapes from his boyish memory, wept with abandonment and loneliness. Every time he returned from school, Sasha saw mother arrived, he felt that he faces an even more distant, foreign woman with a new hairstyle unusual, embarrassing bright lipstick on her lips, with strange sickly smell of perfume. The most offensive to Sasha was that even in these rare visits mother managed to somehow aimlessly and inadvertently hurt him. One day, returning from school, he saw his mother, unceremoniously flipping his diary. In what little warmed the boy's life, my mother and brutally invaded sarcastically: - What kind of Olenka this? Pretty girl? Yes? &#034The lakes of turquoise eyes ...&#034 - Mom, please stop! - ...
    ... Sasha rushed to her with tears in his eyes and snatched out his cold hands boyish treasure, closed in the room to see no one and did not hear. With each visit mom he felt increasingly excruciating stiffness and shyness in front of her. My mother moved away, becoming unfamiliar and alien. - You shameless bitch, Natalia! Just lost my head! The boy was twelve, soon there will be an adult, and growing up without a mother, as an orphan rootless! Statement would have thought! Who will stay in his old age? With their fancy man? Why, they'll need you! Sopeshsya, and become a whore'll die in the gutter! Sasha, clinging to the door slot, listening to the screams of the women of the Faith in the kitchen. Something shameful and bad was my grandmother's words, that Sasha and scared at the same time attracted by preventing him away from the door jamb. - There's something smeared face! You go with a naked ass in their bawdy yubchonkah, tryasesh Teleses! If only son ashamed, because notices have all grown! - My grandmother continued to scream at my mother and my grandmother's words of Sasha became sick. - Do not shout at me! - An unpleasant, high-pitched voice of my mother was so not like sweet and warm, remembered him as a c***d. - Let admire, I do not mind! Then, they are men, to stare at the girls! I live as I want! A man without me grow! With you, under your skirt! Kolyan disappeared. Lesson long since begun, and tearful Sasha was leaning against the wall of the toilet slippery, hold in the ...