1. Dress Code, part 4

    Date: 8/30/2015, Categories: Office Sex, Author: Oncearunner1974, Source: LushStories

    ... looked boldly at her with appreciative, appraising, and good-humored expressions. Her officemates were taking the opportunity to ogle her from the front, and she decided enough was enough, and she strode, more confidently than she felt, directly at the massed group of people. The crowd parted just enough to let her by, but not really enough, a result in part of of the sheer numbers crowding the narrow hallway. As she made her way through, making sure to keep the coffee steady, she found herself going through a gantlet of sorts. At first a few hands slapped her bare buttocks gently. As she got through towards the middle of the crowd, the slaps got harder, and more than one braver set of hands cupped her breasts from behind. Anne kept her gaze firmly forward as her derriere received the lion’s share of attention, and she imagined she could feel it getting red from the onslaught of eager hands. Finally she was through and she was able to make her way to Elliot’s desk, unimpeded. When she got there, she was briefly surprised to find it empty, before she realized that Elliot had to have been in the crowd of her admirers. Setting her cup on his desk, she felt his presence behind her, and she turned to face him. He was ogling her unashamedly, smirking, and Anne felt annoyed. Elliot was full of himself, and not half the man Mr. Slater was. “Like what you see, Elliot?” she asked, taking a step closer to him, invading his space. As she had guessed, his confidence shrank when she took ...
    ... control, and his confident look evaporated as she closed the distance. He had certainly been brave enough to spank her ass anonymously, and perhaps even to grope her a bit more, but not when they were face to face, hers inches from his. She looked him straight in the face, and his eyes dropped first. “That’s what I thought,” she remarked, before continuing, “I think for the rest of the day, maybe you can get your own coffee.” She turned and sauntered away, putting a little extra hip action into her walk. When Anne got back to her cubicle, she realized her heart was racing. She felt as if she had run three miles, even though from beginning to end her time as a coffee gopher had lasted perhaps four minutes. She was breathing deeply, and she made herself calm down. She was exhilarated, and it dawned on her that along with her embarrassment there was a great deal of excitement and even arousal. Anne discreetly slipped a finger down her panties as she sat in her office chair and realized that she was quite wet. If she thought that she was going to be able to hide out in her cubicle for the rest of the day, she was mistaken. As one of the newest associates, she was junior to just about everyone else, and almost every other member of the office, particularly the men, found reasons to summon her for various tasks, mostly thinly veiled excuses to have her in their cubicles. Early in the day, her older colleagues were the boldest. This made sense, Anne realized. They did not expect her ...