1. A Hot Night for Houston

    Date: 3/3/2016, Categories: True Story Boy, Incest Author: Unknow user

    Houston woke up in the middle of the night to the sounds of bumping, humping, moaning, and crying. His room echoed with the banging of a headboard being repeatedly slammed against a wall, but just under that he could hear the feminine cries of hot, desperate pleasure, and the wet, violent pops of something thick and large plunging into something wet and tight. Houston's house was loud with the noise of sex, sex that he was having no part of. Houston rolled out of bed. He didn't have his blankets over him, and the sheet underneath him clung to his sweaty back. His town was in the middle of a heat wave, and even thought it was past midnight it was still over 90 degrees and humid. The air clung to his half-naked body like a sticky sheen of oil, and walking around felt almost like swimming through a warm fog. Somewhere in the house a woman was screaming in carnal pleasure. His mother probably. Houston looked down and saw his tighty-whities being tented by an uncomfortably erect four inch penis, and he suddenly realized he had the urge to pee . . . and maybe get something else out. Wearing nothing but his little-boy underpants, Houston wandered into the hall. He was a little boy in the physical and mental sense, although he was 19 and going on 20 soon. He stood barely over five feet, and his baby-smooth face had never once sprouted a hair, and neither had his flat chest. Even his pubic hair was soft and short and barely crept down to the creamy skin of his virgin penis. Houston ...
    ... wasn't bad looking at all, he was actually very cute as his last girlfriend Kimberly had told him, before she left him alone on the dance floor during Prom so she could get her little brains skewered out in the bathroom by Antonio, his school's star quarterback and chief studd. Afterwards Houston had to practically carry Kimberly home because Antonio had left her in such a physically devastated state of post-orgasmic destruction that she was unable to walk. Houston had felt humiliated about Kimberly's cherry being popped by Antonio that way, but he was hardly alone. Antonia had taken no less than five girls and one teacher to the bathroom that night, and that wasn't even counting the rumors of what occurred at his epic after-party. Being cute didn't cut it in Houston's town, not when there were pussy-slayers like Antonio to contend with. Houston was already tugging furiously on his little cock when he came to the bathroom he shared with his two sisters. His little grape-sized testicles were boiling over with the need to cum just as much as his bladder was ready to pop. He wasn't sure which was going to come out first, so he hurried to the toilet. It was occupied, and the sounds coming from inside were hot and urgent. The door was actually ajar, cutting the hallway in half with a slash of light, and Houston couldn't stop himself from peaking in. Houston's vision was filled with the sight of two of the biggest, perkiest, creamiest tits that had ever bounced through his high ...